GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY #churchservice #jeffcantbeeverywhere #gbthv

If you guys ever wanna donate to the cause please use a link below.
Coffee in the PNW is a necessity 9mo a year 🥶🥶🥶 I THANK YOU!

– Panasonic LUMIX FZ300
– K&F Concept 52mm MC UV
– IFOOTAGE Cobra 3 Monopod
– BOBLOV M5 Body Camera
– Alicegirl Rechargeable LED
– SABRE Crossfire Pepper Gel
– SanDisk 512GB Extreme PRO
– 10-in-1 USB-C Hub with SSD
– Ulanzi PT-3 Triple Cold Shoe
– ULANZI Super Camera Clamp
– ULANZI 2000mAh LED Light
– Rove R2-4K Dash Cam

– Thomas Jefferson
– 1984
– The United States Constitution Pocket size


#pnw #pnwt #2023 #education #interactions #public #private #auditing #sidewalks #photographyisnotacrime #freedomtofilm #pinac #firstamendmentaudit #firstadmendment #thurstoncounty #olympia #lacey #tumwater #audit #policeaccountability #tyrant #intimidate #clown #pnw #opd #tpd #lpd #wsp #police #thinblueline #1stamendmentaudit #2ndamendment #4thadmendment #5thadmendment #cops #prosecution #taxes #tax #wastedmoney #blueline #privatecitizens #gaslighting #crime #policecar #ambulance #toughguy #karen #karens #daren #probonoservices #processserver #civilrightsactivist #civilrights


This video is intended for educational and entertainment
purposes ONLY and is in no way meant to provoke, incite, or
shock the viewer., Nothing in this video should be considered
a “call to action.” It was created to educate individuals on
constitutionally protected activities, case law and individual
rights and emphasize the important roll legal action plays in
constitutional activism as well as the importance of
constitutional awareness.

With this in mind, the facts presented in my videos are not
necessarily indicative of my personal opinion in all cares, and
I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or
judgements of any interaction. None of my videos be
construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of
facts as l understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been
manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of
commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the
educational value of the information being delivered through
the commentary and has inherently changed the value,
audience and intention of the original video.


20 thoughts on “GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY #churchservice #jeffcantbeeverywhere #gbthv”

  1. I don't give cash to the panhandlers where I live because I know what they do with the money cause I know them personally, once they get enough money they go buy blues and or meth and weed and they right back there at the same spot 7 days a week. As much effort as they put in holding a sign, they could put in as much effort trying to get a job, but they won't cause its faster to get free money and then they have more time to be high. They also leave their trash under the bridge, they piss and crap everywhere, and some of them don't appreciate if you give them food, they only want cash cause they get 200 to 300 in food stamps a month. They use GOD in their signs to try and gain sympathy, but if they read the Bible they would know the Bible says " if a man wants to eat , he is supposed to do so by the sweat of his brow aka " work" and nobody should be using drugs or being a drunkard. Sorry but I don't see anything good about enabling people, I only see the bad it causes. Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. Give a man a shovel and a hammer and say let's get to work and put the smack and the Crack down

  2. 5:15 My Goodness 10:10 Nice people!
    Like the new Outro a bunch!
    I was just in Lacey yesterday, usually its just my monthly drive thru and occasionally get some good food spot. Tumwater PD needs body cams! In this day and age to not have that technology is irresponsible.

  3. More than likely a majority of people have probably walked by destitute veterans in public places and acted like they don’t exist. Veterans have a whole other set of baggage. Many of them suffer from PTSD and survivor’s guilt, twin components of a built-in trigger mechanism capable of sending them into instant combat mode.
    This stems from a critique against the American government’s habit of discarding its troops after they come home from the front lines, all the while trumpeting support of military forces for political brownie points. There’s a contemptuous line of anger toward a system that chews up fighting men and spits them out. Veterans are victims of the American military industrial complex.
    Let's compare Rocky to Rambo.
    Rocky is the pinnacle of the American Dream. He’s the kid who, coming from nothing, is able to gain everything. All the same, “hometown hero boxer” is more appealing on paper than “broken-down Green Beret.” You’ll offer your sympathies to Rambo, but you’ll invest all of your wish-fulfillment fantasies into Rocky.
    🇺🇸Thank you for bringing attention to the homeless Veterans 🇺🇸

  4. We they don't hit sub cause they don't feel valued when they're let's day in live chat and they get no response back from anyone mods or members. It's the only way they gave to hold in to their power. I'm subd to you for a min now..but I felt I just had to explain. TY for what you do sir

  5. When my son lived in Oly, his fam would make up little gift bags with socks, meal bars, tampons and other things i can't think of right now, he wanted to teach his son to have compassion for others. My son is a pretty awesome person. My wife and i do the same, but we live a long distance from town and don't get in very often. People are afraid of other people different from them they are not exposed to, homeless, people of color, different cultures. It's good to have exposure, reduces fear.

  6. At my Walmart I always give the panhandlers $20 bills. One day I pulled up to two different panhandlers and all I had was $50 dollar bills…so I gave $100 in 1 minute. Now I am more conscious about carrying $20 bills.

  7. God already has blessed the homeless. Some of the homeless just like being homeless and others have drug and drinking issues that keep them from working. You would think that help is already out there but some of these people don’t care to be rescued. Don’t Vets get help? Some problems can’t be forgotten so good luck to those that try. This guy appears to be narrating his video to make himself look somewhat special. Without the camera I’d bet that fifty would be in his pocket. Maybe I’m wrong but I am watching utube.


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