Ginny & Georgia: Season 2 Review – A Cacophony of Social Justice Reddit Threads?

Soo, I just watched Ginny & Georgia: Season 2… let’s talk about it!


16 thoughts on “Ginny & Georgia: Season 2 Review – A Cacophony of Social Justice Reddit Threads?”

  1. You made some really great points! 💁🏾‍♀️🙌🏾
    There was A LOT going on with the characters to the point that there was no closure with their issues such as Abby and her storyline.

    Still don't know how they got Georgia for the murder of Cynthia’s husband. (in terms of evidence)
    The P.I really wanted her to be guilty of something 😂😂

  2. This series could have done an excellent job of depicting the experience of a biracial girl with a clueless-I-dont-see-colour white mom but for that, the writers would have had to take the risk of making Georgia the actual villain of the story, (which she is, imo).

    (Where do I have seen the actor portraying Paul before?)

  3. I think the writers made Ginny look more vulnerable than last season to make people feel bad for her, while I think this season even though they talked and shown her panic attacks they tried to make Georgia more tough

  4. Jeanne please can you react to the Little Mermaid Offcial Trailer when it comes out, reports are saying we are getting the offical trailer this month so we would love your reaction. And also the quantanmaian trailer that comes out tomorrow. THANKSS

  5. From a psych perspective, I think the first few eps were so important in showing the reality of ptsd and generational trauma and by avoiding a time skip it forced the viewers to sit with that experience. It’s so rare to see generational trauma, through direct and indirect effects on the children. As a child of generational trauma myself, I loved that all the characters were allowed to be unlikeable and messy and able to perpetuate further harm, or grow from it. I also appreciate the incorporation of CBT to help explain the behavioural patterns and present options for change and growth.

  6. Here is the thing….We are supposed to root for Georgia, and literally everyone is so fond of her in the show literally!!! But this was mentioned a lot , that Georgia is dangerous. Yes, she loves her children and would do anything for them, but that’s what is dangerous about her. …That’s literally her gift is to put up this charm, that even US (viewers) will have her back! But that’s psychological twist of it. The writers wants us to be manipulated by Georgia and root for her ….. I can see it 😂😂😂 you are not going to fool me Netflix ! I see right through Georgia , 🤔there is more to unravel when it comes to Georgia and with many seasons to come, that might be the twist ….but of course I’m just making a observation. 😂😂😂😂 I mean she literally did murder someone, She is a SOCIOPATH….Yet y’all still rooting for her happiness?!?? LOL …. OHboyyy

  7. I really don't like Marcus and I wish adult writers will stop writing toxic love interests for the girls. Marcus is a criminal stalker and his BP is irrelevant. I just don't like how Ginny is required to manage the emotions of every adult and child in that town.

  8. Episodes 8 and 9 didn’t work for me from a writing standpoint. Georgia is my favorite Ginny lost me this season. This season Ginny acted like she just met Georgia. Ginny comes across as like she’s the first biracial girl in the world. I felt like she just wanted to complain. I don’t think the writing room possessed the skillset to adequately write for Ginny and the issues they forced on her. Ginny knew Kenny was being a pervert with her. If Georgia didn’t protect Ginny, Ginny would resent her for that as well. I’d loved Zion being around more. Last season I thought the Teacher was wrong. This season I sided more with the Teacher, like he said He was trying to meet her halfway. I don’t see how her being given an opportunity to teach a class since she has issues with the curriculum is problematic. I had more of an issue with her book selection which definitely had more of a feminist overtone.

    Paul is a handsome wealthy well educated white guy, He’s been telling Georgia since their engagement He will use his power which some of it comes from privilege to protect her and her kids. Georgia said you are my Knight and Shining Armor. Paul is the white version of Zion. Zion comes from a wealthy black family which isn’t the same as an Old Money New England family. Zion is a photographer. Paul is a politician with the connections to become Governor or Senator or more even. Gil is white but he’s trailer park esque white meaning he and Georgia have similar backgrounds. Zion used his family’s resources to protect Georgia, Ginny and even Austin as much as he could. Zion also has a criminal past as an outlaw with the Biker gang. With Paul Georgia has her opportunity to expand her white privilege because she’s marrying into a respected family. Paul checking Giil is foreshadowing for next Season. Paul will either use lawyers or his power as mayor to exonerate Georgia or dismiss the case outright. I could Cynthia saving Georgia as well because Georgia really killed her husband as a mercy killing which is what Cynthia wanted. Joe also may convince Cynthia to save Georgia. I could also see Paul changing the statute for euthanasia in the town and then using that as a Political Platform. Also like Ginny has been telling us since the beginning People just like Georgia so a jury may acquit and like Ginny said at the wedding People in this town like you. All of these are examples of Foreshadowing so they have multiple options for Season 3. There are many more scenarios I just provided a few of the more plausible ones due to the foreshadowing or they may jump the gun and go in a completely different direction. I don’t trust this Writing Team, the best way I could describe the Writing Team is talented, well intentioned but ultimately off. The Writing is really holding the show back the acting is at a high level but the Writing is why you could only give this season 7/10. I think it should have been an 8 or 9 but it wasn’t it was like a 7 or 6.


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