Ghost Hunting at a Haunted Castle! This was scary! Candleston Castle

Welcome to our first ever recorded Ghost Hunt. the location is a Haunted Castle called Candleston Castle.

We conduct our first ever paranormal investigation at these amazing Castle ruins. Candleston Castle is a fortified Manor house near Bridgend in South Wales. Famous for its ghostly apparitions, sightings of shadow figures, strange orbs and light anomalies and rumours of a cursed goblin stone!

None of the events have been fictionalised, nothing has been added visually or audio tampered with, everything you see is 100% real. no fakery. no BS.

What evidence did we capture at the creepy Castle? Is there something Paranormal haunting Candleston? or can it all be easily explained.

Iโ€™ve never attempted to edit anything like this before and this was Mrs Geek and my first attempt to capture the paranormal.

Let us know in the comments if you think we captured anything paranormal. This wonโ€™t be our last ghost hunt.

Iโ€™m also a live streamer on twitch where I play horror games. head on over to


37 thoughts on “Ghost Hunting at a Haunted Castle! This was scary! Candleston Castle”

  1. The โ€˜redโ€™ orb/light anomaly is still bugging me at 36:10.

    I need to know what type of bug picks up as red lol, the white orb was a fly, but it was dark, I wasnโ€™t wearing anything red, for it to be that bright, I would presume it would be a white orb as normal. I hadnโ€™t changed lighting or and it didnโ€™t look like the generic bug or dust. I need it debunked, has anyone caught dust or a bug like that before? ๐Ÿ˜.

  2. Wales is the most beautiful place I've ever been. I hope to be able to move near Snowdonia or thereabouts before I die. Just wondering, I've talked to a few Welshmen (and Welshwomen, I'm not sexist) and the older generation are adamant that the dragons are real. Some think they were hunted to extinction and others think that they are still there, hiding in the hills and mountains. What do you think about that? I don't believe it, but their conviction almost makes me rethink it.

  3. Beardo, this investigation was better than most Iโ€™ve seen (and Iโ€™ve seen countless numbers) and it was your 1st one!! Seriously, excellent work and please keep doing investigations for us, YouTube needs quality paranormal folks like yourself.

  4. Love the old history! Thanks much for keeping it real! Recommended to watch from, Ghost Theory ๐Ÿ˜‰ Btw, anyone ever tell you that you have the facial appearance and mannerisms of Johnny Depp?๐Ÿค” Keep it real and I'll keep watching, love from Colorado ๐Ÿ’•

  5. Um… did a shadow rum past you at about 30:40-44? (I put the times about when it happened. I thought it was just you and the wife and you both were standing still so in order to cast it, it should have run between you, and there likely would have been sounds of footfall…

  6. 23:42 or 23:43
    Sounds kind of like a man's voice saying, "John."
    I heard this and was like ๐Ÿ˜ณ …but it's possible that it was the sound of yer clothes or something?
    Anyway I'm a new sub,and I want to see MORE paranormal investigations by you two (and/or your new team). ๐Ÿ’–Great content!!!๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒŸ

  7. Love your strength and truth keep up all the comments that what you say is what WE want to say
    So thank you for standing up for the truth ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    Hello Mrs Geek
    Hope your well
    Best wishes โค๏ธ
    Kindness always

    best wishes โค๏ธ

  8. Really nice video thanks Berdo I wish you would of went further in the rooms but I understand she was so scared and the gentleman you are you didn't want her to be alone in the dark thought I heard a whistle at the end !!!!!

  9. That place is amazing, Beardo! Being from the U.S., we don't have anything remotely as old as that place. The difference between day and night there is profound. Would've loved to have been there with you guys for that one! Hi Mrs. Geek!

  10. I'm used to watching Mindseed etc. , so I was disappointed nobody was dragged into a dungeon by invisible forces / became possessed / witnessed a medieval knight materialise ( with horse ) or became the victim of an ancient Welsh voodoo ( fwdau ) curse . Please try harder , Beardo .

  11. This is a treat to watch… I love old structures…. I've always wondered if there are spirit's around… what they think of us new age people of today… many of us are covered in tattoos, piercing and just….we stand out from the normal crowd…I wonder if they would think if we were a new form of berserker… just curious thoughts

  12. Thanks! I know you don't want us to give money but I want to thank you for all you've shared and taught me. I'd have to pay for therapy. Instead I'll thank you for that part. Oh it's for Mrs. Geek too:)

  13. Utterly beautiful location. Enjoyed that very much. An investigation conducted with honesty, honor and integrity with just a couple of things that happen (those breathy words were unnerving), or even when nothing happens will always be more enjoyable to me than investigations conducted with dishonesty and slippery edits . Well done Mr. and Mrs. Beardo.

  14. What a bonnie place. I love looking around old buildings and ruins. Thanks for the history and image of what it looked like. Really enjoyed the investigation and you frightening yourself was funny ๐Ÿ˜‚ It was nice see the lovely Mrs Geek ๐Ÿ’ Keep doing what youโ€™re doing as you both are appreciated and respected. All the best and love to you both and your family ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒน

  15. This was so much fun. What a great location. Isn't it funny how the atmosphere changes once the sun sets. I lived in a house that was very "spiritually active". It was just as active in broad daylight as it was at night. My cat would react when something was around that we could not see. We could feel a presence but couldn't see it. He had long hair and his fur would stick up like a porcupine and he would crouch down and growl at nothing that we could see. Poor thing. I hated to leave him alone in the house but we all managed to learn to live with "it" and it with us. I hope you and Mrs. Geek will go back there. Trust your instincts. If you felt it, it was there. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

  16. Beardo, what a beautiful place to investigate! With such history as well. The red orb was simply amazing. Must add that Iโ€™ve never even heard of red colour orbs before! So, lol, quite brave I think of you, and mrs geek! and so interesting to watch, must admit, ur no bs ghost hunting is real and refreshing, And I love it! First time watching you 2 investigation too. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒโ˜ฎ๏ธ๐ŸŒ

  17. GhostTube: " How do you feel?"
    Beardo "umm.. I'm glad I had a poo before I came out"
    ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ love you Beardo!!!!


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