Getting a Cheater Banned in Rainbow Six Siege

Man vs Gorilla


43 thoughts on “Getting a Cheater Banned in Rainbow Six Siege”

  1. See, the average american man is 5'9 190 pounds. The average silverback is 350 pounds 5'11 with a wingspan of 8.5 feet. Now, the obvious answer is more people=more bats=more hurty gorilla,but that is where your slightly wrong. Some stupid untrained dudes with metal bats crowding them will probably cause a lot of friendly fire. So we can make a sorta graph, 1-10 dudes will probably get him down with heavy losses, less if they are coordinated. 11-50 dudes will get him down sure, but they will probably be confused on what to do when they kill the gorilla and theres still 47 dudes standing around with bats in the middle of nowhere. 50+ dudes will easily take down the rilla but at that point we must be prepared for intentional self harm after the crazy dude starts swinging. Reading these comments have infact swayed my hypothesis, but I have decided i will stand by it. The real questions that can sway those numbers are 1. Location 2. Physical shape 3. Is anyone bloodlusted/Insane.

  2. it depends on the people with the bats. for example you could give 20 kindergarteners metal bats and the gorilla would ravage them all but if it were 20 grown men with experience they would win.

  3. Look guys, you got to thinking about budgeting. 10+ can kill a gorilla with a metal bat, but is it feasible? The bare minimum, if we're efficient enough, is 4-5. One of those men is done though, RIP.

  4. id say one person who didnt fuck around. gorrilas are agressive, but like bears. wont charge someone who is swinging a bat around and yelling. If they charge you can get one good hit and fuck him up from the start

  5. Probably 200 men. A Silverback can probably knock out a man in 1 punch before a man could hit it. The Silverback now has a bat for even longer reach. It will dual weild bats within 10 seconds of the fight starting. Men will literally have to throw their bodies at it to restrict its movement so a few men can continuously pound it.


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