Russia-Ukraine war: Russian strikes draw condemnation from UN | WION World DNA

At least 31 people have been killed and scores of others injured in Russian strikes across Ukraine. This is the biggest area attack since the start of the war two years ago. According to Ukrainian officials schools, a maternity hospital and shopping arcades were among the civilian buildings hit in the barrage.

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41 thoughts on “Russia-Ukraine war: Russian strikes draw condemnation from UN | WION World DNA”

  1. I had no idea that Ukraine had the best healthcare and children’s services in the world! Every day, Russia has been destroying 17 hospitals, 22 maternity wards, and 40 orphanages over the past 2 years. 😅

  2. The great Satan`s day draws nearer its mask has slipped and ordinary people can at least see the evil in its middle. CRT and brainwashing of children into believing that they can be any sex they want has revealed the impunity in which the great Satan operates. They simply want the Syrian Oil and overthrow Assad look with your eyes see the truth. get out of NATO

  3. Hang on, Ukraine destroyed 140 missiles and drones out of 158 (specific) fired at Ukraine, so only 18 missiles have hit the whole of Ukraine. So why are the people panicked and taking shelter? 18 missiles across the entire country is nothing really. If every night the RAF had shot down 140 out of 158 German bombers in WW2 and only 18 actually dropped their bombs then the Blitz would never have happened.
    Seems to me the Ukrainians are lying about something here.

  4. im polish myself. our vasal pro us governmente, and our tv already KNEW it was a russian rocket, even when nobody still knew what it even was! a woman, an eyewitness said she believed it was an AIRPLANE flying low, but she didnt see it… they will spin this russophobic BS….funnily they CHOOSE to forget that UKRAINIAN MISSILE from past year, that one that killed 2 poles! UKRAINE FALSE FLAG! they will try to drag europe into their war!!!

  5. According to Turkish sources, last night the Ukrainian army attempted to transfer large reinforcement forces, numbering from 4,500 to 6,000 people, to Avdiivka, taking advantage of adverse weather conditions. The AFU militants, who tried to approach Avdiivka through 50-60 disparate groups from three main routes, felt the explosions of planning bombs, artillery fire, as well as guided shots from the Tornado-S and Hurricane MLRS. As a result of the massive attack, most of the military reinforcements were destroyed, and with them almost all the military equipment that arrived with them. Perhaps this was the most significant loss suffered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. It was the largest attack of the entire conflict.

  6. A missel for 3 minutes, now what kind of missel would that be , a lost missel 🤔?? , I’ve never heard of missel for 3 minute probably a Ukraine missel trying involve Poland into the war, something Ukraine would do

  7. 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222211111111111111111111111111111111111qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasedrftgyhujikolpolkm


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