Germany warned Russia: We are the military leader of Europe

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said she believes Germany is obliged to play a leading global role and that the …


39 thoughts on “Germany warned Russia: We are the military leader of Europe”

  1. how the f*ck would any german seriously expect their own country to be a leading military leader when they keep sending more than half of their tanks & other arsenal to ukraine (pressured to do so by westerners who think they know better, I may add)
    no wonder why this video got ratio'd so hard, its a goddamn joke.

  2. NATO pledges peace buy preparing for war. When it is U.S. or Europe who sanctions any country they want … it is ok and right but when Russia limits its oil delivery Russia is evil. Do you know the definition of triple standard ? .. just take a look at the U.S. of A and their European obedient followers.

  3. har har…dreaming about the last two wars as victories instead of annihilation and desolation …then being rebuilt and coddled for 70 years by the same blood and guts sacrifice of united states military and middle class working men and women.that kicked their butts in two needless debacles of predatory violence and mayhem against weak and whining euro peons who cant wipe themselves with both hands much less get along..duh…only russia is more psychopathically and genetically corrupt … bereft.. and prone to comedic self immolation ..duh

  4. Ma stiamo scherzando!!!!poi ritorneremo il nazismo qui tutti si montano la testa !!!sotto un finto buonismo !!!!!!perché la Germania dovrebbe essere capo di cosa di che !!!già la parola capo la dice lunga !!!!!capi e schiavi???io cambierei pure l Europa che si è dimostrata servire a nulla o per dire a far diventare più poveri stati !!!

  5. Cmq in tutti i casi prima o poi la catastrofe nucleare verrà!!!!!!!volenti o nolenti la storia non è basata su pace e convivenza !!!basti pensare che pure tra confinanti non si va d accordo allora di cosa si parla del nulla !!!!!!! 2 sono le forme umane """"BENE ….MALE """"E SEMPRE SARA FINO ALLA FINE DEI TEMPI UMANI !

  6. Like or not, the Germans are the best soldiers in the world. As the English military historian, John Keegan, once wrote, there was not even one instance when Anglo-Americans, or Russians troops managed to defeat their German counter-part, when a similar number of soldiers fought one each side: the Germans always prevailed. To defeat the Germans, they must be outnumbered at least 3 times, as a rule of thumb.
    The Americans learned, on the hard way, at the Battle of Kasserine Pass, how impossible was to defeat the Germans when a the Germans had a comparable number of soldiers.
    Brilliant German Field Marshals, like Erwin Rommel, Erich von Manstein, Walter Model and General Heinz Guderian, had no match in the enemies' armies.
    Also the Luftwaffe gave the highest number of aces, from all their enemies' Air Forces.
    It's time for Germany to lead Europe against the "Evil Empire", Russia, and defeat it.

  7. Germany has had a large military twice in recent history, and it has not been good for Europe. I'm old enough to remember the aftermath of the last occasion. This is like déjà vu to me.

  8. Ха ха ха
    Немачка вођа Европе?!?!
    Ха ха ха
    Одавно нисам чуо бољи виц!
    Немачка је већ 80 година Америчка пудлица и ништа више!
    О судбини Немаца одлучује "тата" преко Атлантика јер чим се Немци побуне добију шамар!
    50 000 америчких војника је још од другог светског рата у Немачкој и немају намеру отићи – нити их Немци смеју отерати!
    То је факт!
    А за коју деценију правих Немаца неће ни бити због наталитета,већ конгломерат народа састављен од Турака,Арапа,Црнаца и Рома..
    Ха ха ха
    Немачка је трула као банана и нема сјајну будућност!

  9. Russia is the military leader of Europe. And the energy leader. …And the Agricultural leader….And the resources leader…. The Germans' cutting ties with the Russians over the Russians' defense of Russia's security is the biggest mistake ever. The Germans literally shot themselves in the HEAD. We are witnessing Germany's unnecessary SUICIDE in real time. I say suicide because it is so obvious that it was INTENTIONAL. Good bye Germany. You used to be a nation of smart intelligent people until you allowed the idiots to destroy your country from within. R.I.P.

  10. Ya well they aren’t proving up to this now , to date Germany has not even lived up to anything. 2 rocket launchers and 200 rockets . Ya put the burden on the US , they have all most never provided there obligations to nato since the git go . The US is stupid putting up with Germany


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