"Garden Symphony: A Harmonious Blend of Flora and Fauna"

“Garden Symphony: A Harmonious Blend of Flora and Fauna”


11 thoughts on “"Garden Symphony: A Harmonious Blend of Flora and Fauna"”

  1. Japan lost the war in China back in 1941 and that was the exact the reason they attacked Pearl harbor so they could leave China and move into south east asia. Except for a few cities, Japan had never truly occupied China.

  2. So many anti-Zeihan commentators have tried to prove that his doomsday predictions against China have never worked. The reason that China has not collapsed yet is because it's not yet scheduled to complete until a few more years. But the signs are all there and it will be getting worse for China in a few more years. This downward slide is not going to stop until it is done but it is not complete yet. The anti-Zeihan fanatics will, however, not say anything against his analyses and predictions about other regions of the world. They concentrate only on his predictions about China and keep saying he is wrong because China is still alive and kicking and hasn't died yet as Zeihan says it will. But the end of China isn't over and has just started. These naysayers have to wait a few more months and years and then they'll see how wrong they were.

  3. Zeihan is so full of shit. Yeah, nothing to worry about, you're winning, they're losing. Okay it's half true, but which half? Let me explain something: there is nobody on You Tube giving the straight truth, or else they would be off in a corner getting 2.5K views. How much you want to bet the Chinese or the Russians or the Israelis have this guy on video banging some 13 year old ladyboy?

  4. Peter Zeihan is so focused on population figures, but completely ignore AI and its effect on our future.
    Finland did a study that showed they will lose (I think it was) 40% of all their jobs to AI.
    We don't need all those people in the future.

  5. I remember 30 years ago people said China would be an economic power, and there were doubters for about 20 of those years. Now I'm hearing of Chinas decline, and there are (again) doubters. One thing I've learned, the future is not next week, and trends tell us something.


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