raiden chevreuse overload | 4.3 spiral abyss 12-1-1

the builds used in this video are not optimal:
– chevreuse is not level 90
– chevreuse doesn’t have 4NO
– xiangling is on an EM sands

but it still performs well, and not just because of my investment into raiden and sara. xiangling is providing significant off-field damage with buffs from the other three units, and chevreuse allows for full uptime on pyro and electro resistance shred without any real aura management. additionally, with favonius lance she generates such a large number of particles that xiangling can get away with surprisingly low ER for a team without bennett.

for a C2+ raiden, this team is less theoretical damage than her traditional hypercarry team, but it is easier to play and also more mobile since raiden is no longer tied to bennett’s burst. this somewhat makes up for the chaotic nature of overload teams as raiden is free to chase after enemies displaced by the explosions.

proper rotation:
raiden E
chevreuse Q-hE
sara E-AA
xiangling N1EQ
sara Q
raiden Q + combo of your choice

my gear:
chevreuse c1 – favonius lance | 2EoSF | hp/hp/hp
xiangling c6 – staff of the scarlet sands | 4EoSF | em/pyro/crit
raiden c2 – engulfing lightning | 4EoSF | er/electro/crit
kujou sara c6 – polar star | 4EoSF | atk/electro/crit


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