Gabbie Hanna's Chaotic 24 Hour Tik Tok Meltdown…(She's Not Okay)

In 24 hours Youtuber and Tik Toker Gabbie Hanna Managed to Capture the attention of Tik Tok Posting Videos that would seem like a manic episode. There are many questions however, that remain unanswered.

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37 thoughts on “Gabbie Hanna's Chaotic 24 Hour Tik Tok Meltdown…(She's Not Okay)”

  1. So apparently as of yesterday she's deleted all tik toks during this time period, and is promoting her new song? She has gained almost a million followers on tik tok since these events and people are finding it suspicious that right after the tik tok growth shes deleted the tik toks and posted about her music largely.

    thats enough reporter leo for one day, lets all stay safe and be positive <3

  2. Mania has levels. Very rarely are any of us so deep into it that there is absolutely no self awareness. Things like charging a phone are automatic so they usually retain while manic. Even while in a manic state the severity will wane and reemerge. It's not so black & white.

  3. Also, a manic state is kind of like being high without substances for an extended period of time. In her head she was probably great while obviously in a state of distress. The distress is not obvious while manic sometimes.

  4. ew i felt creepy vibes around 30:15. the way she rambles on the way she does, her room looking large but dreary, and just the way she stands facing the mirror. it kinda gives me the "final video" somebody makes before offing themselves…

    sorry if the way i explained it was horrible. its just… you can feel the vibe from watching a video and something about that clip made my skin crawl.

  5. What kind if idiot calls the cops on someone they have no idea about at all? What kind of hypochondriac sends murderers to someone's door over and over again and can not deal with the fact that someone is fine when they say they are. She has some problems but that's for her to figure out. Her and her family. Not you, Someone on the other side of the world with no idea other than a small window through a social media app has no right or reason to worry about anyone else but there own. This is going it make it worse but idiots can fathom that they could make a problem worse, they still think the cops can help any situation. This is child brain thinking. Kids call the cops on people to do a wellness check, stupid children. If they had to pay for being wrong this would not happen. She is fine until people actually have a reason to worry yall need to mind you actual business instead of creating nonsense and believing what you want. She is fine.

  6. In response to your point about charging her phone: I will say as someone who has suffered from manic episodes with hallucinations, delusions, etc during my high school years, I was able to act like my normal self habits-wise. I just also was convinced there was an entity inside my head as a non-judgmental watcher. I was still aware of the fact that I had to do my homework and go to school and I still engaged with my friends while being totally manic. I’m not sure how much worse social media would have made that experience for me had I been an influencer like Gabby, as the fixation of performative behaviors probably has messed with her manic brain a ton. I hope she gets the help she needs and is supported and loved through this time of her life.

  7. Just seems like a delusional narcissist self destructing. Nothing to lose sleep over, not enough hours in the day either, save that energy for people that need and deserve it.

    edit: for a moment I thought this mystery man who invited himself in was Ezra Miller and it would have been glorious, missed opportunity.

  8. 2:48 Im not that far into this video. But I HAVE to say something. My dad, my step sister, and my little brother have all been diagnosed with bi polar, and they all blatantly use it as a shield to do what ever they want and say whatever they want. Like when they have a bad episode or "downward spiral" as my mom calls it. It can get so bad they openly say they want to k.i.ll people. I'm not even joking. And when they get questioned about it, or therapist appointments get made they instantly start shutting up and stop saying that stuff. Claiming we are over reacting. I'm sorry, but you can't just do that. You can't go around saying "I hate myself, and I hate other people, one of us gotta go and its eiher them or me" over and over. Because! Then it becomes the boy who cried wolf, and those around them get so desensitized to hearing that stuff that when they actually have a serious bad moment then people don't take em seriously. It feels like Gabby Hana does the same thing. That she uses a diagnosis as a blanket excuse for whatever she's saying or doing.

  9. Best medicine is to stop watching her so she can come back to reality lol there’s better things to do besides worrying about some chick who clearly doesn’t gaf

  10. give it one week before the reveal that nick is actually her best friend and she insults us again calling us ''dumb'' for ''not getting it'' -_- GURL BYE! the people believing her are missing braincells. She KNOWS what she's doing.

  11. Hey man, I love your content BUT
    This video is in very poor taste. "Why aren't her friends/family helping her?" who says they haven't tried? My mom is an alcoholic, you think I haven't tried hundreds of times to get her help? therapy? interventions? rehabs? It gets to a point where you HAVE to walk away from the person. No one is responsible for getting her help except herself and that unfortunately may mean she never gets the help she needs. That was very tone deaf to put blame on her friends and family who are probably exhausted and burned from her in the past. Like I always tell people: you can't set yourself on fire to keep others warm

    Also, people in manic episodes can be very aware that they're having a manic episode. That doesn't mean they're faking it for "clout". Sure, she has a poor track record but that doesn't mean what she's experiencing isn't real. Often the racing thoughts become obsessive and they can't help but act out. Sort of similar to how someone with OCD is aware that they're compulsions are damaging but they just can't stop. Also, the police can't just take someone into custody unless she's hurting herself, others, or a danger to herself/others. Posting 100s of tiktoks and going on monologues about religion isn't dangerous to anyone. Is it sad to see? Yes but it doesn't warrant being taken into custody and placed under emergency petition.

    You have a right to comment on her actions. She's made them public and opened herself up to criticism. But I don't like the tone of blame you placed on people in her life.

  12. The guy coming over is EXTRA GROSS. "Why does he act so comfortable?" Because that's what creeper guys do. They act chill, laid back, good with everything and wait for their chance to take advantage of the girl and the situation. I've been there. SO many girls have. He looks like the kind of creep that pretends to be shy and asks "can I get a hug?" They way he is acting is SO triggering, I didn't even realize this was a trigger for me….

  13. Between you trying to diagnose someone’s behavior based on their TikToks and developing a seductive relationship with your fans and sharing your snap chat regardless of fans age I am gonna just unsubscribe here that’s all pretty fkd up.

  14. I feel it’s so sad that you just can’t if she’s actually having a breakdown, if on meds for BP and has stopped or is drinking OR my very probably not received well view is that she knows EXACTLY what she’s doing and and has the followers growing. She to me is at most drunk or on a little happy stuff. It may even have started with a genuine start of a breakdown saw how much it got her followers and this makes her a huge huge amount of money so if she makes a 100 videos all adds up.

    Sadly I don’t think he’s a stranger just another way to get more views and subscribers.
    Don’t hate me but looking as a psychologist I wouldn’t be concerned after the first few. I hope I’m wrong and gets help if needed but ……. X

  15. Through personal experience, cops are incredibly incompetent when it comes to wellness checks, especially regarding someone’s mental health. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t know what to do or if there is nothing they can do, but often times these wellness checks don’t help unless someone is injuring themselves or others. It’s sad.

  16. If she's faking this she's an amazing actress. Somewhere along the line she probably made the decision not to pursue treatment for her mental health issues, and that's concerning. I agree with a previous commenter: she probably thinks she needs this mania and torment in order to be an "artist." She's done a ton of shitty things but her isolation is so sad.

  17. If she denies help no one can force her to get it. This happens literally all the time- people lose it. She just happens to have a big name so a lot of people are paying attention.

  18. She is a YouTuber, YouTubers look at the camera when talking to an audience. She is mostly looking at her self when she speaks because she’s talking to herself.

    Edit- obviously not every video. Just a thought

  19. I never knew I was manic depressive I’ve never been diagnosed but I used to lock myself away and write or paint or just meditate and think I was in another world that only I could understand I thought I was a genius I never knew I was having mental problems and now at 40 I’ve learned how to deal but wow I was nuts for years I never knew why people didn’t like me it’s hard being crazy

  20. Aaaaaand just like that she proved once again that she’s just a bad person. Don’t believe me? Well about a week after her manic episodes, she went on a livestream to talk to Keemstar and “the commentary bros” and said some of the vilest things about Jessie Smiles (who hasn’t talked about her in like 2 years). Check the youtube channel “Homeboy’s Got Receipts” (Homeboy Edwin) and it’s around 3 and a half hours into the stream titled “Def Noodles threatens to SUE former employee”. If you still think she’s a good person after watching this, let me know in the replies.


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