Freezing To Death – Winter Storm Gerri Details

1330 people freeze to death in the US every year. You are twenty times more likely to die from cold than you are from heat. We are entering a storm similar to what paralyzed Texas a couple of years ago…and we aren’t ready…again.$pinballpreparedness

Pinball Preparedness
PO Box 93
Sharps Chapel, TN

[email protected]


21 thoughts on “Freezing To Death – Winter Storm Gerri Details”

  1. I hate winter, especially when it gets this cold. I have the half of my house that I do not use closed off and magnet covers over the vents. I have plenty of food ( canned ) to last me for weeks if needed. I pray that my electric does not go out, or me and my yorkie will be spending a lot of time in the truck. I sure wish my hubby was still here in time like these. Losing him to cancer and being alone for the first time in 24 years has been very difficult. If worst comes to worse….I have wonderful neighbors I can reach out to for help.

  2. Its brutal up here in Manitoba. Got some styrofoam all around my concrete foundation and snow like an igloo. Its helped a lot. Was so nice in Nov and Dec. Got the woodstove cranked up. Taking my snomobile around our small town instead of starting my old diesel landcruiser. 2 kin and im gone. The diesel takes almost 15 min to warm up now not worth it. But weather breaks in about 10 days. Not too bad. Really. Weve had weeks of this in a row in past years.

  3. hi mr. Pinball! well i am from Oregon and we moved to southern oregon from portland in 2015 and we have been in many whiteouts in southern oregon. maybe it happens so much down this way-they dont really report it. its old news. we just got 9 inches and shoveled. we are staying home. if we go somewhere. it will be in our jeep. it doesnt have a heater in it…but we are use to it. i knit and crochet everyone slippers,socks and mittens and hats. we live not far from crater lake. we have had lots of whiteouts!

  4. Just to remind people, warming centers just provide warmth. That's it. You are expected to bring blankets pillows, food, diapers if you have babies, snacks etc. They are not manned by red cross, or other entities and most have only security no meals or drinks or other food.

  5. I don’t know if Duluth MN is happy or not about a winter storm. I’m not. In Iowa another winter storm warning has started. -19 below zero and w/blowing snow and it’s just getting started. Tomorrow worse. Saturday extremely colder and windier. By Monday evening, caucus night in Iowa, the Wind Chill Warning will be possible-35 to -45 below zero. We can walk inside a building to a caucus within 10 minutes with proper warm clothing. We can Not stand in line outside trying to get in the doors due to checking ID’s which needs done. People will come early so there will be a backup. I’ve worked at these before and it’s been cold before but not life threatening cold before. I hope they have a good plan this year.
    My son has 47 stock cows. By now he’s feeding them the best hay cutting and will do so until we’re through this. The barn doors are open for them to go in if they want to. The best thing to do is keep them well fed because that’s how nature has a chance to keep them warm. They can not go into our homes (as one person suggested).
    Good news though, miraculously the winter storm warning and the wind chill warning will both be done by Tuesday noon.
    Amazingly enough.

  6. New rules or made up law's in Oregon as if the sines say chain up and we're not we get a five hundred dollar fine. They also are installing on every street and road speed check so this way you get a ticket in the mail if you don't pay fines you get community service and it ad's up. Also if people don't know our highway do close down learn to read a map we don't have cell towers everywhere you want one funny read a book. I will say we're doing better then NY because soon people will be law have to move illegal people in there home's and service them. I don't even let people drive on my driveway then to open a door. We'll have to jump off I have laundry and I know stink when you don't have power.

  7. Thanks for the good advice, I'm just surprised to hear that people are not prepared for cold. Maybe it's just because I'm Canadian and it's our normal, but it seems as though the house codes are so different there. Our home is about 230 years old and it's always toasty warm maybe having a basement is one of the keys to a warm home.

  8. I'll add a spray bottle of half isopropyl alcohol, half water. It de-ices the locks and key holes. I've used it on my shed & coop slide locks as well. Make sure you get winter supplies for your vehicles, animals and any hygiene-cleaning. Last ice storm I was dry -washing (spot cleaning, tub washing) and hanging things outside and inside on clotheslines. It was an eye opener. I use pool noodles to cover outside faucets, exposed pvc and cover gaps as needed.

  9. From Minnesota. When we get the below zero cold snaps, we relearn lessons; if our car battery is older, it’s probably going to die now. Jumper cables are important. If you wear good looking shoes bring warmer shoes along just in case you have tend to your car. Don’t leave your cellphone or laptop in car. The battery doesn’t like getting cold and iPhones don’t generally get new batteries just new phones.


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