Hear the Entire New Testament Recited from Memory! | The Great Recital: Day 1 | ICR Discovery Center

Professor Tom Meyer and friends perform dramatic readings of the entire New Testament from memory during The Great Recital at the ICR Discovery Center in Dallas, TX.

The Bible contains many references to being read aloud at public gatherings—such as the Feast of Tabernacles on the Sabbatical year, which included a celebratory reading of God’s Word (Deuteronomy 31:11-13). This ritual intended to produce a life of obedience and ensure a continuation of the nation’s divine prosperity.

By attending this event in person or online, you are part of an ancient historical tradition that spans thousands of years.

The Great Recital: Day 1 | Mr. Scott Firebaugh and Mr. Aaron House | The Gospels of Mathew and Mark

Technology has information at our fingertips. But our relationship with God needs to be one of the heart, not the smartphone. Get engaged with the Word of God in a refreshing and amazing new way! Memorize verses, chapters, and even whole books of the New Testament using the “Bible Memory Man” Prof. Tom Meyer’s powerful techniques that he learned while studying in Jerusalem, Israel. Having memorized 20 complete books of the Bible, Tom shares his helpful tips. Go deeper into Scripture and command a greater knowledge, insight, and understanding of God!

Purchase The Memorization Study Bible here: https://store.icr.org/the-memorization-study-bible.html

Looking for a resource that explains the Old Testament? Check out Tom Meyer’s Proverbs Commentary here: https://store.icr.org/proverbs-a-verse-by-verse-guide.html

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17 thoughts on “Hear the Entire New Testament Recited from Memory! | The Great Recital: Day 1 | ICR Discovery Center”

  1. “This fall, the ICR Discovery Center will host the Great Recital (Tuesday – Saturday, October 11-15, starting at 10 am each day… Central Standard Time). Professor Tom Meyer and others will recite the entire New Testament, word for word, from memory.”

  2. I would like to quote John Cassian’s words as an encouragement to everyone, including myself.

    “Wherefore the whole series of the Holy Scriptures should be diligently committed to memory and ceaselessly repeated. For this continual meditation will bring us a twofold fruit: first, that while the attention of the mind is taken up in reading and preparing the lessons it cannot possibly be taken captive in any snares of bad thoughts: next that those things which were conned over and frequently repeated and which while we were trying to commit them to memory we could not understand as the mind was at that time taken up, we can afterward see more clearly, when we are free from the distraction of all acts and visions, and especially when we reflect on them in silence in our meditation by night. So that when we are at rest, and as it were plunged in the stupor of sleep, there is revealed to us the understanding of the most secret meanings, of which in our waking hours we had not the remotest conception.”

    Conferences of John Cassian, by John Cassian (360–435 AD)

  3. *Tangible benefits of Reading the Bible at Four Days a Week* 📖

    -Feeling lonely drops 30%
    -Anger issues drop 32%
    -Bitterness in relationships drops 40%
    -Alcoholism drops 57%
    -Feeling spiritually stagnant drops 60%
    -Viewing pornography drops 61%
    -Adultery in marriage drops 68%
    -Gambling drops 74%
    -Sharing faith jumps 200%
    -Memorizing scripture jumps 407%

    (Based on research findings by Arnold Cole, Ed.D. & Pamela Caudill Ovwigho, Ph.D. , polling 40,000 people from age 8 to 80)

    “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”
    – Galatians 5:22-23

    ..Good News for Mankind.. ✝️💖

    “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17

    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

    God Bless


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