Free flow Q & A with Author John E O'Rourke

Check out true crime author and corrupt cop content creator John E Oโ€™Rourke here


15 thoughts on “Free flow Q & A with Author John E O'Rourke”

  1. Listening to this interview with John O'Rourke made me realize that cops not being trained is affecting BIG crimes like murders where they need to take fingerprints, look for clues, watch people, question persons of interest, & bring people in for questioning. I only thought about the day to day innocent people getting their rights violated for filming in public or during traffic stops, or homes raided because of a wrong address etc etc etc. I never considered BIG crimes like murders & child trafficking – stuff like that that cops are screwing up so that a really bad guilty criminal like a rapist gets to go free & the District Attorney can't prosecute. Big crimes never getting solved because cops are contaminating the scene & not trained in how to collect evidence as well as how to not violate their rights & to read people their Miranda Rights after an arrest. Cops not being trained must also be negatively affecting big important cases…. NOT GOOD. ๐Ÿ˜ซ ๐Ÿ˜ก I bet the bootlickers who hate auditors never think about that!!


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