Thoughts on Dragonball Abridged (Android 16)

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47 thoughts on “Thoughts on Dragonball Abridged (Android 16)”

  1. Can't speak for other folks, but I'd personally love to hear more positive-leaning… rants? Is that the word for it? They don't ALL need to have the literal gripe experience, hearing about what someone enjoys can be just as fun.

  2. I think the worst case of a channel needing to be split up that I've ever seen was Angry Joe. The immediate issue is that he does big game reviews, but playing and reviewing games takes time and he's doing skits and stuff, so things can be a bit slow and he can only really focus on big releases. So the solution was to basically do a podcast-style show talking about various films and shows with his friends to keep views up.

    And people HATED it. People were actively just uninterested in his film/tv content, they just could not care less about how he thought plots were, they JUST wanted to see him dig into games and accurately describe what the overall experience of it was. It was just a completely different niche and people were just not feeling it at all. So what you ended up with was this weird situation where people would basically feel trapped, because they had to be subscribed and everything for new game reviews. But that just lead to their recommendations and their sub feed being spammed with basically daily Joe content they just didn't give a fuck about, and people were just so done with it in the comments.

    Of course you'd get people trying to be like "Just don't watch it" or whatever, but the guys who were hardcore fans of gaming stuff weren't showing up to watch his videos. They were showing up specifically to dislike and complain anything that wasn't a game review to try to force him to stop this content and just make a second channel.

    Looking at his channel now, I don't know how happy people are with things, but you can really tell people just never warmed up to it. Someone whose been around as long as Joe with as much influence as he's had should not be pulling 80k on a ton of these videos from months ago, that's stupidly small for him. This guy's still able to hit over a million with even recent game reviews fairly consistently, the actual dissonance between what people want and what they don't want from this channel is fucking wild!

  3. I know from personal experience and from friends, that some people emulate the expression when drawing… I would like to think Plague can make such a peaceful smile. I look forward to seeing your potential grow!

  4. huh, now that you mention it, you really dont draw these characters much, i somehow didnt really notice/think about that… kind of surprised in hindsight you never drew Cheelai, unless i forgot

  5. Funnily enough DBZA made me love 16 before i even saw the original, so i was a bit disappointed when i saw how lacking he was in the show, but it made me appreciate how much care TFS put into the character. Now i main 16 in FighterZ and he's probably one of my favorite characters.
    As you mentioned i also feel like you should have gone with the initial sketch, but i think the final one came out pretty well too, especially with the birds.
    Good job!

  6. Truly enjoy your content boss. Everything you make does resonate with me personally and your ability to of the cuff convey your thoughts so succinctly is a true talent. Not to mention your ability to draw is muy bueno. My one gripe just comes from where you were talking about the plumber who was in your chat. I feel a lot of content creators are so caught up with there own situation that they can’t fathom that others that don’t do what they do obviously have no concept of having to grind at there “normal person” job as well. I have been an HVAC contractor for over 20 years and I can assure you that it is very rare, if not ever the case, that my day is dictated by what I feel like doing or that our days are full of just tightening a screw and then looking busy. My situation may be a bit different than most since I am running the business as well as being in the field everyday, but I do find it a bit disrespectful when people have a “well all you do is..” or “you have a do what you want freedom” mentality towards tradesmen. I can assure you this week as I was leaving my house at 730am and getting home around 11 to make sure people had heat that there was very little freedom involved or making it look as though I was being busy when I wasn’t. This week was certainly no anomaly. Weekdays are work as are weekends, problems don’t care if it’s a Wednesday or thanksgiving day breakdowns and issues always happen. If doing this were so easy, everybody would do it. Looking at the labor pull in are industry, people are not wanting to do this. I hear content creators talk about how they have people ask them to do certain topics and if they don’t want to they don’t, I respect them for that. When I get the rare day off and someone I don’t know somehow gets my cell number, and they have an HVAC issue they want me to drop what I’m doing to solve, much harder to say “I’m not interested in that I only want do what I’m passionate about”. If I did I would hear how I’m lazy, don’t care about them, and with all my freedom what would it hurt to take care of them. I say all this to give some perspective, I feel most people just don’t know or understand. I am not writing this to have a pissing contest at all, more to say that us average joes can understand the pressures involved in having to put aside what we want/need to do for ourselves to put work first. My head hits my pillow at night with the thoughts of what work I need to do every night, I feel ya. Again great content, and I live in the same world you do sir.

  7. if you made an anime gripes video, with all of the visual etc editing, and with the same core points, would it really suffer so greatly for having a more measured voice? Your Gripes persona /is/ very fun, but it's not the centre of what makes listening to you appealing. its the hook i guess to get people to show up.

  8. "The way that narrative would be delivered by their closest confidant could be delivered; it's not them"

    I think you've perfectly nailed how art works on a very personal basis. Unless two people share nearly identical lives and feelings about situations, there's always going to be some aspect of their art that is uniquely theirs and no one elses. The art or writing of the original creator is not necessarily going to be interpreted the same way by others.

  9. Always loved hearing you talk and express yourself creatively since your earliest appearances on TBF/SBF Play.
    Scripted and edited, or just rambling commentaries. Just have fun with it Plague, best of luck always.

  10. Its really funny the video is speaking about, among other things, you changing over time. I hadn't even noticed as you were speaking but all this time you have been less old gripes where you complain about something arbitrary and I hadn't consciously acknowledge the change until you stated it openly.

  11. I'm just going to come out and say that season 3 of DBZA is just better than the original Cell Saga. to be fair, they did have the advantage of knowing that it was going to be the Cell Saga for the entire run, unlike the original manga that had to recenter its primary antagonist(s) several times. but even beyond that, there's so many little and big choices that serve to make the narrative and the characters more engaging than they were in the source material.

  12. About the only flaw with TFS is that they sometimes misunderstand their own political jokes, which is about the best you can ask for.

    For example, Kocchin in the World's Strongest movie. He is an objectively evil man with a weird fixation on making sure Wilo's new body has a dick and is powerful. When his attention is turned to Gohan, Wilo points out that he is a kid. Kocchin then makes a quip about checking to see if Gohan has ahem gonads.

    Lani makes a quip saying that Kocchin would support bathroom bills…
    The joke does not work with that interpretation.
    Kocchin is just a monster, and it's not a hard stretch to assume he is or hangs with diddlers with a taste for the youthful. It's also worth knowing that the trans movement has a legitimate problem with bad people using the movement to get close to children.

  13. First off he's not the god father of Manga that's Osamu Tezuka created more than 700 manga series during his life.

    Akira Toriyama
    He had two successful manga under his belt in his career that
    being Doctor slump and DragonBall.

    Dragon Ball was a parody of Wuxia (武俠 [ù. ɕjǎ]), which literally means "martial heroes", is a genre of Chinese fiction concerning the adventures of martial artists in ancient China.

    Goku the pivotal character is himself the monkey king character sun wu Kong journey to the west.
    With almost 4,000 years of written history to draw from.

    Instead choosing to draw from western media.

    Toriyama voice is gag humor poo poo and peepee jokes and parodies.
    The story was going to end after pilaf.
    But it was a hit so the editors continue to push him in a serious direction.
    So his voice was obscured by his editors from the get-go.
    He didn't like how serious the story gotten ober time and when the end of the Buu saga came to a close he choose to end it.

    He also published verious one-shot but they never took off throughout the decades.

    He came crawling back to DragonBall decades later and decided to make one-shot involving the cast of DB.
    Butt it wasn't anything note worthy.
    Luckily for him he had an established gig as a video game illustrator.

    Also Toei animation adaptation of DB manga was quite different in it's execution from the manga.

    He didn't like how heroic they made Goku in Z.

    Yet this is why he's so beloved.

    Even toriyama was creatively bankrupt and Toei wanted to give DragonBall a definitive ending he gave them free rein with it's story after he completed the illustrations.

    Guess what he enjoyed it a made it a grand side story to his worked.

    He loved the idea of turning Goku back into a kid.

    The things I enjoy most about DB where crafted by others and not Toriyama himself.

    Bardock father of Goku and history of Trunks tv specials.
    Certain movies and fillers for instance Gohan escape Piccolo, the fake Namek arc, the garlic Jr saga, the break between the Freeza and Android arc etc.

    Most of what made DragonBall successful was just the adventure aspect of brutal violence and blood.
    It was the perverted ecchi humor sprinkle through out it.

    Toriyama is an gray hair grandpa now that perverse energy is long gone.

    After the live action adaptation in the west DBE came out he decided to get back in to the ring with his idea for a movie and the rest is history.

    The new DragonBall daima is for
    Kodomo demographic.

    Major Manga Demographics

    Shonen: For young teenage boys, roughly between 12-18.

    Kodomo: For little kids or young children, under about 8.

    Seinen: For young adult males or younger men, roughly between 18-40.

    Shōjo: For young teenage girls, roughly between 8-18.

    Josei: For adult females or younger women, roughly between 18-40

    Seijin/Ero Manga: Adult manga for males.

    Redisu/Lady’s Manga: Manga for young adult females.

    Dōjinshi Manga: Manga publication by amateurs.

    Gekiga: Focusing on serious topics geared toward mature audiences.

    Silver & Golden: Manga for older readers.

  14. When copyright expires "fan edits" are going to multiple and coalese into multiple "perfected versions of the original. Over 100 years of debate on the story and animation, and new fan takes on the IP will create a series of the same show all unique and even in different genres. Death of the author isn't a bad thing. The original will always be there along side the variants.

  15. The notion that some content creators reach an impasse once they've done everything they had thought about doing it, and decide to just stop is something I don't see being brought up a lot, but it's a concept I've long thought about.

    Nice thoughtful, sort of, ramble, Plague.

  16. I think you could make a hit with gaming stuff as well but in terms of you being interested in other stuff you dont sound as passionate or interested in other things as you do when it comes to anime or games

  17. Android 16 had been my favorite since seeing him in the actual show long ago just because of how he stood out in his difference from the rest. I'm a sucker for the gentle giants. I'd always get weird looks for not saying Goku/Vegeta/Trunks/ect wasn't my favorite, but 16, who only lasted for a single story. Feels kind of surreal that it was thanks to DBZA that the big guy started getting true appreciation.

    Also, I agreed with Takahata for saying how it felt unfair that 16 was the one being who never got wished back. Hell, I was hoping 17's wish in Super would have been to bring him back!! Then again, Kaiser also brought a good point in saying his sacrifice might have felt cheap if he'd come back, but I can't thank them enough for doing what the original story didn't; rewarding 16 with an afterlife of peace among all of the birds and not-birds he loved.

  18. For some reason youtube is not recommending your videos to me anymore, I need to manually browser your channel to check for updates everytime I feel like it's been a while since you posted.

  19. I started makin music because I got to a point of not having any idea of what I was gonna do with my life. I always had a passion for music but it was turned down pretty quickly by my parents because art is an unrealistic career to them. After a while of going to college for some HVAC certificate I kinda just had a moment where I was like "nah fuck this" and just got a regular job at home depot and focused the rest of my freetime on myself and music. Videos like these are mostly why I even considered going that route. I had no faith in myself but seeing my favorite creators advocate for others to create just inspired me and made me feel less worthless. Good shit

  20. I've been enjoying the more positive spin on your content, its alright to comment and critique problems with a media, especially if its one you enjoy. Instead of it being for the purpose of just being ornery but rather from a place of wanting things to improve

  21. 6:27 Mad respect for that. I've gotten so exhausted with that kind of thing lately. "Going all Nostalgia Critic" on pieces of media, as a reddit comment I recently saw had said. Quiet, analytical critique is so much more enjoyable to me than watching someone rant about how a perfectly harmless piece of media killed their grandma or something.

  22. Tbh I don’t know how much I need the “cantankerous gripes” personality to be personally entertained but I feel like I generally toon in because I like how careful and thought out you’re art gripes and some of the older videos are. The sassiness, I guess is just a nice cherry on top


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