France braces for more protests after police kill teenager Nael M

France is bracing for further protests after police shot dead a teenager, an incident which French President Emmanuel Macron said has “moved the entire nation”.
Clashes broke out between demonstrators and police overnight after an officer killed the 17-year-old in a Paris suburb, Nanterre.
The teenager, identified as Nael M, allegedly failed to comply with a police order to stop his car on Tuesday.
He was driving a rental car when police pulled him over for breaking several road rules, prosecutors said.
A video circulating on social media, authenticated by the French news agency AFP, shows two police officers trying to stop the vehicle, with one pointing his weapon at the driver through the window and firing at close range when he apparently continues to drive.

Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler reports from Paris, France.

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39 thoughts on “France braces for more protests after police kill teenager Nael M”

  1. Police work is generally a job of last resort for losers. Most police are psychopaths, low IQ, little education and no job skills. Blue ISIS has a license to kill, stomp, choke, steal and lie to the public.

  2. Literally the french in this comments section be like: what the police did was wrong but the teen was not innocent either.
    Also french when something happens in some other country: gross violation of human rights. What else can we expected from a fascist regime?

  3. France🇫🇷 still occupied Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint Martin, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton.
    France must end occupation & keep peace

  4. Police lies and cover-up, then 'unforgiveable' from the President, but this boy should be alive and with us, so why is he not? Sometimes 2+2 doesn't add up. When will the world learn that life is precious. Guns should be kept off the streets, or kept locked in police cars and police stations and not kept in hand.

  5. Natacha Butler, don't lie, it is not a "different story" – the video clearly shows the driver is in fact running over the policeman who is pointing a gun at the driver. What else can a policeman do in this case? Jumping inside the car and kissing the driver?

  6. Shows the kind of country and culture the immigrants are coming for- no regard for police- of course that the white policeman needs little provocation to shoot is another story. The policeman could have jumped aside and shot at the car

  7. One less criminal on the street bravo topolice in France, you possibly saved many innocent people s lives because these menaces want to drive vehicles without license and everyone supporting these types see nothing wrong in that just type the amount of moslim arab names how many fatal car accidents they have caused in europe. Women yes theur boys no, keep them in the home coutnry. not in europe where they do not respect anyone not even themselves. And dont'get me started on the coward friend running away from the car at the scene.


    PEACE TO REAL HUMANS❤✌🏻….NO TO NaziZionisme Racisme Facisme 👎🏻👎🏻

  9. Police man is quite clearly standing at side of car, leaning against front side pillar. He not on the bonnet and not in front of car. He's not at risk of being run over.

  10. The honorable people in the world must support the French revolutionaries with weapons and money to eliminate the corrupt French regime and rid France of slavery, injustice, hatred and lack of acceptance of others

  11. You have a car full with criminals, and a driver who resists a direct police order. Additionally, policemen don't pull their guns easily, so I believe there is a pretty good story before the death scene leading to it. Pointing a gun at someone is to make sure they will not shoot you first. Starting the car in this case equals exactly that – an act of aggression towards the policemen. The guy in the car made a mistake and paid for it. The policeman's action is quite correct – he had to neutralize a danger to the other people nearby.


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