Former Navy diver breaks down search for submersible near Titanic wreck

CNN’s Oren Liebermann breaks down the latest in the search for a missing tourist submersible that had been visiting the shipwreck of the Titanic. CNN’s Alex Marquardt speaks with former Navy diver Ret. Capt. Bobbie Scholley about the challenges of this kind of search and rescue mission. #CNN #News


37 thoughts on “Former Navy diver breaks down search for submersible near Titanic wreck”

  1. SAR and now Recovery Cost of people lives Commercial Aircraft & Ships & Cost are sent to Company that finance the mission That should be irrevocable prior to going on further it is a tragic but what were poor structure untested and poor plan could be lesson learned. Vessel material Carbon Fiber & Design was never tested . RIP to Crew sAd Tragedy Avoidable if rules are in place

  2. I think the reason it disintegrated, was because it incorporated 3 different materials in it's enclosure. You had carbon fiber tube, with titanium end caps, and a plexiglass port hole. Almost like a submersible pipe bomb.
    Because of the different properties used and their different rates of expansion & temp. change, over repeated dives, the smallest of gap occurred, and at those depths and pressure, that's all it takes. Most deep subs are one cast unit, built like that for a reason.
    Plus, Stockton Rush lived up to his name because he " Rushed " to get back in the water for his next mission. Renember, he was trying to make money with this thing, and inevitably, by taking short cuts in an effort to save time and money, it cost him his life.

  3. Navy apparently heard the implosion on Sunday so Coast guard had to keep the secret for 4 days — I under stand why they did what they did but was surprised at the news today — thursday 6/ 22

  4. This is so tragic. Really unbelievable.
    But James Cameron tonight absolutely destroyed the whole idea of this excursion. How truly unsafe, not certified, on and on how about the checks and balances for a sub like this. It’s mind blowing. He really made it clear that the sub and passengers were not even remotely prepared for the potentials. It’s sad. God bless that entire crew.

  5. I wish CNN would post the 3 experts after the 3PM EST press conference, where the lady details fantastically the issue regarding epoxy, sea water, and carbon fiber.

  6. I would've never. The billionaires could've rented a actual approved submarine, with all the bells and whistles. But no you get in this thing that's controlled with a damn 🎮, a fucking 🎮 seriously,,,.. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️💭💭🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  7. Does anybody here actually know about ships? This isn’t a rescue or a search and recovery mission, it’s about getting the debris back so they can rebuild it. My condolences to those families and friends.

  8. I just don’t understand how you guys would still take somebody’s money and not even test the theory out before sending five people down into the dumps knowing that they’re not gonna survive

  9. This didn't age well. James Cameron said he knew where the imploded sub was located on Monday. The search area was SMALL, close to the last known location before contract was lost.
    Sounds like the Coast Guard was running around like idiots.
    Needle in a haystack? Hahaha.

  10. This is what happens when you deem experts as problematic because they are a bunch of old white dudes and replace them with low skilled people for the sake of diversity let that be a lesson people only ever hire based on skills for the job not ethnicity or gender those two quality have zero impact in the work place.

    The familys who lost there love ones should sue the shit out of the company and the company heads who green lit this should be jailed for manslaughter and negligence.


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