Foreign Legion Airborne Commandos (2e REP GCP) – Marine reacts

These guys have a ton of operational experience and the training definitely reflects that

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👋 Background info on myself: I am a prior Marine infantryman currently serving in the Army. I’ve been through specialized Close Quarter Battle training, security guard training, subterranean warfare course, urban surveillance training, foreign weapons training, helicopter insert/extract master, as well as numerous training with other militaries and their equipment.

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39 thoughts on “Foreign Legion Airborne Commandos (2e REP GCP) – Marine reacts”

  1. So yeah fun fact I learned from legionnaires that I worked with. The 2nd para is located exclusively on the island of Corsica. It actually began its life as an elite light cavalry unit comprised of Russian Army officers and soldiers who fled Russia after the revolution in 1918. They even spoke russian in that unit as there were no other nationalities. To understand the foreign legion the easiest way is to compare USMC and US Army. Both have units are light infantry or mech or tank or recon. But the USMC is just that notch more. People there want it to suck if that makes sense.

  2. Recon Marines come and do jungle training in French Guyana, the legion has people from a 150 countries in their ranks most in 2 REP served in the army in their countries before . i was very impressed with the Brits from para and special forces and Gurkha from Nepal that served in the Gurkha regiment ……………THE MERCENARY Head crushing Blood spraying violence by former 2 REP French Foreign Legionnaire now on Amazon prime

  3. The clip from the 4:22 mark isn't GCP but the 1st compagnie which specializes in urban warfare. The SAW gunner is a sergeant now. It's easy to identify by the green patch.

  4. The constant thing I love about your posts, is that you are always so respectful to other forces, and are so enthusiastic about everything. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and as an non military person, I have so much respect for anyone who serves their country, that if you are ever in Manchester (UK)…….. "Drinks are on me"

  5. What the hell is a pathfinder. You keep mentioning it so I will guess you are one? I was Commando and as far as I can remember we can do reconnaissance however there are recon units for that. Maybe it has changed. My profile pic is me with Israeli commandos on operation Solomon. And there is no such thing as American commando. So trying to know what they do is pointless. I've also been on operations within the US when dumb males mess with French or Jewish nationals. Super secret stuff bro. Like phone bomb for old Nazi Jew haters and recovering stolen French property during WW2. My first mission was getting a palastine national out of USA secretly and returning him back home. His mother was murdered. He would have never known his true nationality.

  6. The helicopter is an Eurocopter EC665 Tigre.
    Generally french army uses french equipment (excepting for some individual equipment such M416, FN minimi or the Ma Deuce…).
    So if you have a doubt about French equipment : it's probably made by a french company (we have a lot of clients all other the world : the best plane is French : the Rafale , the best tank is French, we have excellent missiles, good ships and more)… but since the end of the Famas we do not have really good AR (expecting the F90 by Atrax/Nexter), we do not have SMGs, we do not have LMGs, our shotgun aren't as good as the Italian brands, we do not have pistols (but we have the best revolver : the manhurin)…

  7. Hi ! You are a sweet guy, very respectful.
    You made me want to share my little knowledge. Even if I have no specific interest in combats arms other than learning things on everything.

    I think I saw all documentaries on TV about Foreign Legion, because they are few, so they are broadcasted every year, always the same ones. It seems I missed one. Maybe not, I have some doubts, I may remember some footages x) I've just checked, an operation in this documentary was from April 2015.
    Automatic subtitles have greatly improved, they are accurate enough.

    We had July 14th parade lately. On TV, main channels do special morning on military. Tech, tactics, ops, demonstrations, and show the parade close midday.
    no commentary (legion at 1:41:18) :
    whole morning on TV (put automatic subtitles 😉 :
    We don't have many mainstream communications on army in France. I think most of people hear about army and operations only once a year.

    There is one new question this year about foreign legion. There are 710 ukrainian legionnaires (including 210 naturalized French) and 450 from Russia. Army authorized, maybe organized, soldiers to go to border countries to welcome legionnaire families.

    Battle of Cameron is the most emblematic action of foreign legion. I learned that in documentaries. But for me, as I have no link with army, I thought their greatest heroic actions were done in the battle of Dien Bien Phu. Para drops in the middle of a battle impossible to win.

  8. The foreign legion when they shoot, they shoot point fire, then you hit the target better. They and other special forces in Europe do not act like you Americans who shoot automatic fire all the time. The Foreign Legionnaires always work in smaller units and so the size of the enemy does not matter to the Foreign Legionnaires, as they will still knock out the enemies anyway. You must learn the motto of the Foreign Legionnaires; Never back down, never surrender but take as many enemies as possible into death. No matter how you try to watch movies and understand the Revival, you'll never really understand unless you've been a Legionnaire yourself. All Foreign Legionnaires are trained to strike fast and mercilessly and all drills are with live ammunition.

    The US Marine Corps would do the same obstacle course that the Legionnaires use for training, it took the Marine Corps 7 hours to do this obstacle course as it takes the Legionnaires 45 minutes to do. An example of how efficient and fast the Foreign Legionnaires are, was when Desset storm began. When the American units just started marching across the border into Kuwait and taking their cities, the Foreign Legion had already taken their cities and had to wait a couple of days before the Americans took theirs.

  9. Love your videos man ! You do a very nice job
    Quick question, after having seen several videos about French forces whether it's légion étrangÚre or the French army in general, what do you think overall of the French army forces compared to what you know from the US ?

  10. Imagine all those poor kids, thinking woah they look badass, i wanna become one of them too. And then… they gonna get their asses kicked out of the selection course. Legio non patria nostra

  11. The 2eme REP itself can be compared to the US' 75th ranger regiment, based on their menpower, training, and role as the quick reaction force within the 11th parachute brigade of france. The GCP commandos in the 2eme REP (found in the regiment's support company) act more like the regiment's autonomous special mission unit comparable to the 'ranger reconnaissance company' of the 75th. The main tasks of every GCP companies found in the french para regiments are deep/special reconnaissance, marking drop zones for the other teams of their regiment, short and clandestine information operations, and sometimes black ops missions backed by the french DGSE secret service. Every GCP team is abke to act fully autonomous around the world, or together with their home regiment or even as support unit of tier 1 units like the 1er RPIMa. The GCP of the 2eme REP are even trained in counter terrorism/intelligence techniques and even hostage rescue missions. In this case, they are similair to the US Delta force or the 1er RPIMa.

  12. Here's a episode of the Swedish serie (16 episodes) "the way to become a ranger (JĂ€gare)" where they training battle in settlement which also shows their training area for this which is exceptional. All in Europe's best complex of that environment in "Sweden". It's breakdown by a former Royal Marine Commando in this video (it's good subtitle). You should look at it, or why not the hole serie.


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