For my children | Setting the record straight | Hot dogs and Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation is the attempt to align the child with one parent and discard the other. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is where the child has taken on the attitude and behaviours of the alienating parent. When PAS occurs, the child has experienced induced psychological splitting; this is very serious.

PAS manifests in a number of ways, not least contemptuous and denigrating behaviour from the child which is reinforced by the alienating parent. This video tells of an occasion when I went to visit my son to make him dinner after the school day. They still talk about that event, my daughter believing that I behaved irresponsibly and aggressively. She was told that I threatened my son; I did not, and what she was told is not accurate or true.

I’m setting the record straight and telling what actually did happen. In doing so, I hope you’re able to see how PAS manifested itself i.e. how an alienated child can behave towards the targeted parent. You’ll clearly see how the alternator reinforces the notion of the alienated parent’s hierarchical position as no longer being valid or credible – I am the alienated parent. I’d like to be clear, I do not hold my son accountable for what happened, he was allowed to get away with this behaviour towards me on many occasions previously.

Children do not discard their parents unless there are other influences involved. Likewise, they do not behave in such disregarding contemptuous ways without external influence reinforcing it. Salvador Minuchin, the ‘father of child psychology’, said “a child only ever looks down on a parent when they’re standing on the shoulders of the other”.

My children have experienced induced psychological splitting, and this video is an example of how this splitting manifests towards me, the alienated parent.

#parentalalienation #narcissistsurvivor #psychologicalabuse


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