For Everyone That Says I Hate Video Games | Extra Punctuation

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This week on Extra Punctuation, Yahtzee has a response for everyone that says he hates video games.

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44 thoughts on “For Everyone That Says I Hate Video Games | Extra Punctuation”

  1. Idk how some people forget that reviews are for people who are thinking about playing and haven’t played the game and want a second opinion before buying so they don’t waste their money or time, they’re not for validating your own opinion.

  2. This is a crash course on university level education on the topic of media criticism. The rating you give something is the least important! Any meaningful critique is gonna challenge the material. And I've been a viewer for 10 years now, I loved plenty of the games he's criticized. It's part of the joy of watching! Anyway, great work as usual and cheers to another ten years at least

  3. I don't always have to agree with Yatzee to get enjoyment out the games I do play and his reviews (cause I like what I like and I just his style of comedy funny)
    (Though I did expected him to crucify high on life)

  4. Yhatzee, ever since John Bain died, I've felt like you're the only person left in video gaming discussions and criticism who is actually fighting against the torrent of grindy, repetitive, boring, pay to win, lootbox infested, micro transaction heavy, live service, free to play bullshit that's been sold as video games.

    You are the only reviewer I still listen to, because your the only one that keeps high standards anymore. I don't know what I'll do the day you retire.

    I feel like the world has forgotten that we once made Dragon Age, Warcraft 3, Bioshock, Left4Dead, Deus Ex, Fallout, Silent Hill, Metal Gear, Halo, Far Cry 3, and so many more.

    And none of them required lootboxes, micro transactions, live service, or a free to play grind that's boring as hell.

  5. I think it's important to mention that just because something has been done a million times that doesn't make it bad. It likely has been done that much because it's actually pretty good. It's not great that all the games are so similar, but that doesn't make any single one of them bad. Casual gamers don't play very many games, they are going into say assassin's Creed Valhalla without being tired of it before they start and have a great time with a great but overdone game concept

  6. The ZP reviews I enjoy the most are of games I love which are thrashed a new one. Why? Because often times Yahtzee is 100% RIGHT and it makes me glad to know I wasn't the only one who found a particular component obnoxious. If a critic is the reason you don't check something out, you're not making an informed decision for yourself. Yahtzee's great at finding the facts, putting the biggest ones on display and letting you make up your own mind. But if people really need the internet to validate their feelings, I think they have bigger problems. Keep up the great work Mr. Croshaw.

  7. And then there's FTL, a game that Yahtzee decided to write a poem for…
    That by most people's standards these days doesn't even count as a game probably.

  8. It has never once bothered me that Yahtzee's opinion on something differs from mine. FF7 is my favourite game; it's what I drift back into during periods of stress or discomfort because it gives me an intense, resounding relief. Yahtzee doesn't much like it, and that's fine. I've played Portal and enjoyed it, but it wouldn't perturb my best games ever list even when he first reviewed it, and I doubt that opinion bothers him much either. If you need your opinion to be validated by other people, maybe it's not really your opinion anymore, and you have a bigger issue.

  9. I for one think Yahtzee has gone soft in the last few years. He was pretty much the only journo who echoed my opinion that good writing in games MATTERS, and no, I shouldn't be told to just "read a book."

    But then that abortion called Persona 5 came along and… Yahtzee failed to criticize it. The writing is horrendous in itself. The translation somehow manages to make it worse. But no, just praise. Yahtzee has pretty low standards for these things today.

  10. In general if Yahtzee likes something it's because its doing something innovative so its worth taking a look at. I know his enjoyment from something like Horizon: Forbidden West (which I think is good, but mainly its just competently doing things which tonnes of games already do, a gameplay style which he's been forced to play repeatedly as a reviewer) is never going to line up with my own.

  11. This is all news to me. I've been sent a link to your vids here and there. You're funny and i can totally see where people are coming from with the comedian comments.

    All in all tho ,this just me feel bad for you. Insert "You're a sad strange little man, and you have my pity " meme. You don't suck tho.

  12. I've always considered you to just be critical about video games that's pretty much it, and I've always LOVED that you never gave video games a generic rating you just pointed out the merits of a game and the negative and left it at that so that WE could DECIDE whether the game is worth getting based on the way you structure your reviews. I always come for your reviews because they are to the point and they tell me exactly what I'm getting into and I love hearing your take on games its very refreshing.

  13. What’s interesting is that Yahtzee’s more comedic approach to reviews is WHY I watch his reviews over others.

    Why would I watch an hour-long, purely mechanical analysis of a game when I could have both decent criticism and creatively funny metaphors in a video that’s under 10 minutes?

  14. He does hate on games. That deserve it! All the others….well….you must not have a sense of humor if you don't get it. Sarcasm is one of the highest forms of comedy, imo. And Yahtzee delivers.

  15. Absolutely brilliant way to address the criticism. I understand that you judge by a high standard and truly appreciate it. I have a hard time with all the copy cats and the general pattern that critiques apply to the industry…

    But your critiques have raised my own standard in what I play and as an aspiring game developer, what I make. It's a tough path to walk, but you are very good at what you do. Never stop.

  16. Games are a bit like blowjobs; even the bad ones have a lot to like about them. Unless you paid 70 bucks for it, and she stops at a crucial point and asks if you'd like to purchase the "finisher" upgrade for an extra 50

  17. Hey Yahtzee. The one time I got to speak to you I told you I disliked Dark Souls. You asked if I had beaten it, I hadn't. You told me to git gud, and I did. I sucked it up and beat the whole game including the DLC and I still think Dark Souls is not fun. Not that I feel this is relevant to the video, I just wanted to follow up on that brief chat we had.

    No, I do not have a life. Why do you ask?


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