FNAF Movie – Everything We Know So Far (Five Nights at Freddy's Movie)

FNAF Movie – Everything We Know So Far (Five Nights at Freddy’s Movie)

Without proper context it may be hard to believe that the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is still not released as of January 2022. Why is this film taking so long? And why has it not been released yet? These are questions that I have been wondering myself for a very long time. So today I’m going to be taking you guys through the history of the FNAF movies creation and basically provide context as to why this film has not been released yet.


48 thoughts on “FNAF Movie – Everything We Know So Far (Five Nights at Freddy's Movie)”

  1. Honestly I’m better with it taking a long time rather than just popping it out and it not being a good movie

    Edit: I think most of us have already decided we’re in this for the long ride might as well see it to the end

  2. I think the movie should be focusing on fnaf 4, because in fnaf 4 is almost like a starting point for all fnaf game, so starting and relaying on fnaf 4 is crucial
    It could start with the afton family, how happy and "normal" it is. Until one day where the mother decides to take the crying child and ELIZABETH to baby circuses (behind WILLIAM back because he knows what baby is, but her wife doesn't) so they get there and the crying child (i will call him Gregory from now on) and elizabeth are playing with baby, until the mother called them to eat pizza , so Gregory go running with other kids but then he noticed her sister is missing, so he goes back and see elizabeth getting captured and killed by baby, the mother and police try to find her, but they failed, they ask the crying child what happen he explained but no one believe him except WILLIAM. Now WILLIAM furious with his wife until they divorced, Gregory holding on to his story make Michael angry, he feels that Gregory is just saying stupid nonsense that he scares him to death with his father help and consent. After month Gregory goes back to school where everyone fell dorry for him, in his first class there was a police officer taking to the kids about the MISSING CHILDREN and that stranger danger etc. And from there the movie could build up until the bite of 83, well that my idea hope you like it.

  3. Was hoping it would be more on Squilliam Afton than Micheal because the games ARE Micheal's story. But being his dad and the main antagonist (behind it all) I'm sure he will have a lot. Hopefully they dive deep into his mental instability, his motives and the killings themselves

  4. I would like to see the story starting from fredbears family diner with Mike killing the crying child (bite of 83) than cutting back to present time. As for the big plot twist it will be revealed that our protagonist is Michael Afton.

  5. Here's my theory:
    After the death of the kids that were killed by Afton, two separate parents of the children indulge in conspiracy theories about the pizzeria. Before we see them theorizing, we should get some background story of how things were great with the families before the day the kids were killed by Afton. These 2 parents who are, 1, a father of Suzie who possesses Chica The Chicken, and a mother of Jeremy, who possesses Bonnie The Bunny.

    The other parents had theories about the pizzeria aswell but at the same time they never wanted to break into the pizzeria and search for clues like these two parents wanted. They were condemned and told not to break in because "it's against the law" and "they never found anything suspicious in the pizzeria". But the two parents continued and started the first night.

    On the first night is when we get to know the basics. We get to know how to conserve power, how to check the lights, doors and the cameras. One of the parents will search for lore in the office and another will keep things in check. We should get a phone guy in the game but the message should be made concise but full of clues so that the audience wont get tired of listening. We will also get to know more of the pizzeria through VHS Tapes in the office as the nights progress (similar to squimpus mcgrimpus tapes). The parents wouldnt know how to conserve power on the first night so they will run out of power eventually. And we get a unique and utter terrifying chase sequence of some of the animatronics, with ofcourse a not so cliche build up to a jump scare before the chase sequence. And the two parents as they try to find their way out. But Bonnie and Chica aren't chasing them for nothing. Rather they are chasing after them because they are the children of the parents and want to be saved. However for the father, he is being chased down by other animatronics because they think hes micheal afton and are out for revenge. But they do end up breaking out but they are terrified.

    Alot of this movie should answer "what ifs". "What if you escape when the power runs out?", "what if you fight back at the animatronics?" "What does the kitchen look like and how does Chica move in the kitchen" "How strong are the animatronics?" And i feel like this should be both a fan service and gorey horror/thriller movie for both the fans and regular watchers who know nothing about the game and alot of these questions will be answered as the nights progress.

    On the 2nd night, Micheal Afton hires a security guard as freelance to watch over the place because of what happened on the first night. Reports about someone breaking in to the pizzeria e.t.c. so the parents aren't able to spend the 2nd night at Freddy's. So they spend that time strategizing how to survive the night and fight back. Since Micheal Afton isnt so busy with the pizzeria at night and doesnt have team, he is less worried of what will happen to the security guard. And surprisingly enough the security guard dies on the 2nd night.

    We get to learn about the security guards death on the 3rd night. He tried to contact a friend with an answering machine and tell him how creepy the place is in a jokingly way. But we soon find out he was killed. More is unravelled but this is when the parents fight back as there was a slip up and Foxy runs to the office, the father takes an axe and chops off Foxys head and cuts off the arms and once he gets to foxys belly, he cuts it open and finds out one of the dead children are in the suit. And the smell must've been horrible to smell too, I'd imagine they'd make a comment about that but they would be in severe shock because they would never imagine that this could happen to a kid in a kids restaurant. They found hidden tapes in foxys head and then so they started theorizing whether the other children are in those other animatronics, they make it to 6AM eventually.

    The mother goes through some sort of crisis and emotions, shes worried and thinking about what has happened to her child, she thinks to herself why shes doing this and paranoia sets in because she hadn't slept for days thinking about the pizzeria. The father is more motivated to find out the "what" and the "why".

    And so on the 4th night is when things turn dark. The two enter the pizzeria and things have got hectic with the animatronics. Only 3 are left behind, and so they're really focused on night 4 until Bonnie enters their office and they cant close the door, but they close the "right side door" and we get a fight sequence between bonnie and the parents, and somehow they end up at the stage and the father finally destroys bonnie, we can hear some burping from bonnie because of the decomposing child inside, bonnie falls to the ground and they open up bonnie only to find Jeremy inside bonnie. The mother finds out and breaks down in the middle of the stage in utter agony. We get an emotional scene where she screams and lets out gut wrenching cries and she is just kneeling and weeping about her dead son. After countless hours and days and weeks of theorizing, her search has come to an end and she is heartbroken. But Freddy Fazbear swoops in and smashes her head with his microphone and tears her up as shes helpless on the ground still in tears from the discovery. The father of Suzie tries to help but Freddy tosses the father to the ground, knocking the father out, and freddy
    gives one final glance at the mother and the screen cuts.

    Night 5. The final night. The father of Suzie wakes up. Its 4PM on the 5th Day and he wakes up next to Chica in the kitchen. The father is wondering why theres no one at the pizzeria. He looks out the kitchen window and sees the mother still laying lifeless on the ground as the sun shines on the stage with freddy dancing and glitching on stage. The father turns and sees Chica, he is scared that hes in the same room as the animatronic. He hears someone come into the pizzeria and it's none other than micheal Afton, and hes in a fit of rage that someone is in a pool of dried blood laying lifeless on his stage. He comes to the kitchen to get cleaning supplies. The father hides to avoid afton. He gets detergents e.t.c and starts scrubbing with so much anger as the father watches him. He then brings in the body of Jeremy's mom and starts getting rid of her body with a meat mincer and sees that Chica is in the kitchen and he wonders why. We see how much of an utter psychopath micheal afton is. He has no disgust while mincing Jeremy's mom.

    12AM comes in and afton stays at the pizzeria to make sure no one comes in. Suzies Dad who is still in the kitchen comes out and heads to the office and sees that Afton is still there. He is terrified and walks away from the office. Afton exclaims "You can come out, I've seen you already".
    The father walks in and asks "wheres my daughter". Afton is shocked, probably wondering whether this is one of the parents of the missing children. Afton ends up lying saying that there were reports of kidnappings around the pizzeria and they are working to solve it but suzies dad doesnt believe him and says he found decomposed children in the suits. Afton quickly blames it on the animatronics and says they get quirky sometimes and asks Suzies dad to work with him to destroy the animatronics. Suzies dad somewhat agrees. And low and behold Freddy is outside the door. Freddy starts screaming, and tries to break into the door once Afton locks it. Afton and Suzies Dad run out the left door and theres some banter about the animatronics and the rumors. Afton becomes an anti hero at this point rather than a villain, Suzies dad trusts him more. Chica tries to attack Afton but Suzies Dad attacks chica to defend afton. Chica starts screaming trying to stop the axe in her dads hand. Afton twists chicas head and removes it and the father tries to run back to the office to get a taser he comes back but we can see freddy approaching Afton with bloodshot eyes looking for revenge. We can also see Suzie on the floor after Afton destroyed Chica. Suzies Dad is in shock and pain, he screams and is quick to blame afton for making the animatronics like that. He punches Afton, not caring about freddy fazbear behind him. With so much rage Suzies dad doesnt stop beating at Afton. Afton grabs a knife from his pocket and impales Suzies dad at the side of his belly. And runs to the kitchen for a springlock suit. Afton laughs and says freddy cant recognize him anymore and that hes left to attack Suzies Dad but Freddy lifts afton in the spring lock suit and smashes him on the table that has a bottle of soda. The soda gets into the suit and afton is enclosed in the spring lock suit as it gets tighter and impales him (springlock suits dont work well with moisture) after minutes of pain and agony, Afton starts spilling the beans of what he did to the children and what happened to his son and Golden Freddy with flashbacks. Afton bleeds and bleeds and so he dies. (Or does he?)
    The cops get called….blah blah blah…the end.

    With that being said, during the day it's a break for the audience, there is peace and peaceful ambience but during the night things switch up which makes things terrifying. This can give the audience emotional connections to the character as we learn more about their personal lives during the day, but we learn more about the lore and pizzeria during the night. And during the 4th and 5th night is when we get the best of both worlds to tie things together to make the story more tragic and emotional.

  6. Do you think they should use the original designs in fnaf 1 or should they change their design just like Fnaf plus, giving them clothes and make them look diffrente but still looks like there original designs?

  7. oh man I would've loved the Cassidy screenplay 🙁 it's a shame a lot of people who aren't really into fnaf would've been too confused about most things for it to work out


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