Flying Cheap (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

After the deadly airline crash of Continental 3407 in Buffalo, New York, FRONTLINE investigated the accident and discovered a dramatically changed airline industry, where regional carriers accounted for half of the nation’s daily departures and insiders worried about the aviation system being stretched beyond its capacity to deliver service that is both cheap and safe. (Aired 2010)

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The rise of the regionals and the arrival of low-cost carriers were seen as a boon to consumers, and the industry insisted that the skies remained safe. But decades after deregulation, many insiders worried that the airline system had been stretched beyond its capacity to deliver service that was both cheap and safe.

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FRONTLINE is produced at GBH in Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; the Heising-Simons Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen.

Prologue – 00:00
The Crash of Continental 3407 – 01:20
Growth of Regional Airlines – 10:41
The Life of a Regional Pilot – 18:29
Who’s Responsible for Airline Safety – 28:53
A Decade of Missed Warning Signs – 38:48
Raising Standards at Regional Airlines – 46:57
Credits – 52:42


28 thoughts on “Flying Cheap (full documentary) | FRONTLINE”

  1. Unfortunately there's corruption in every industry and it's all about making money I understand, but is money really happiness? You can earn as little as $20,000 a year and have extremely fulfilling life. Most people never understand this or learn this. There cannot be corruption in the airline industry. The price is too high. We are talking human lives these people are responsible for. They know who they are. Let's say some of the higher ups only make $150,000 a year versus $500,000 a year is that really going to make that big of a difference in their lives and make them eternally happy? What a joke.

  2. People are dying in these planes ,and non of these monsters wouldn't admit any wrong doing, but they are good taking your money, and low wages for pilots is beyond my comprehension

  3. They knew.

    I am 90% sure Continental knew about the failed tests of that Marvin Renslow. That is PRECISELY why they hired him.

    A man who does not have enough flying experience and failed a flying test 5 FREAKING TIMES does not have any leverage to ask for a pay rise. No matter how long he stays as a flight crew or even the pilot himself. Continental is dirt cheap! They didn't care about quality pilots.

    That is why they subcontracted their cheap airline section and let that company hire a subpar flight crew. Greed. They are greedy.

  4. That's all well and good that major Airlines pawn off the liability to their regional counterparts….IF they follow these conditions:

    1.) They will ENSURE that the name of airline on the passenger's ticket EMBLAZONED on top is THE REGIONAL AIRLINE. Not them. That way, Passenger's can LEGALLY COMPLAIN against the major airline and seek REFUND should THEY refuse to accept boarding a flight by let's say Colgan Air.

    2.) Regional Airlines, like major airlines, should be held up to the SAME LEVEL OF REGULATIONS NTSB and other similar government agencies. Furthermore, as regional airlines work ALL their employees to the bone, STAY-IN LODGING AT AN ACCOMODATION SIMILAR TO A 3 STAR HOTEL MUST BE GIVEN to them AS LONG AS THEY ARE EMPLOYED by the Regional Airline.

    What do you say now? "Get f***ed how do we earn profit?" Well, F**K YOU TOO! You did this to have a workaround on the regulations. You think we were born yesterday? Get f****ed!

  5. We just took our first flight in a long time on a low-cost carrier… no frills to speak of, no food or beverage service, but the flight was a short 2 hrs to the destination so it wasn't that big of a deal. What was a bit disconcerting is that the crew would come thru the cabin multiple times asking for trash… apparently they were under the gun for ultra-quick turnaround times. I don't know how many flights they do with one plane in a day, but it makes me think of that Aloha Airlines jet that had an explosive decompression after doing 9 flights a day for over a decade.

  6. The real stories are always the ones the left does not cover. The real stories are also the ones the left fabricates. The real stories are also the ones the left totally lies about, not just misreports, but
    lying stories.

    The real story is the "mostly peaceful protest" lies. The real story is the bathroom server, the erased e-mails, the criminal information on the abandoned laptop. The real story is government collusion in subverting an election. The real story is a VP chosen for ovaries and skin color with ZERO competence. The real story is men pretending to be women and getting away with it. The real story is of a political party run amok with a money printing press, crony capitalism and special interest buy-outs. The real story is the magical suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. The real story is the funding of virus gain of function by 3rd parties paid for by the NIH under Fauci. The real story is the lab-made virus so very perfectly able to attack humans right out of the box. The real story is perverts grooming children at libraries and in Disney cartoons and in every movie. The real story is the 60 plus million unreported uncounted murders by abortionists. The real story is NEVER in the news, not as long as we have the Ministry of Truth. Truth and the left have nothing to do with each other.

  7. Hey, yo..youse flyin' steerage cheap?..make sure youse wearin' one'a' hey, yo..bring' yer' own cheap sammich, som' brillo' wipe yer' greasey mug on yer' cheap suit lapel..hokay?..oh, yeah..yo, don' brush yer' toofs neither..


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