The Incredible Story of Ken Block

Ken Block is an inspiration to all petrolheads, a guy that could do almost anything with a car – insane control, total bravery and unbelievable skill.

There were so many aspects to his professional life – shoe designer, world rally driver, X games competitor, designer of EPIC cars and YouTube sensation.

For me personally – he wasn’t just a true racer, he was a pioneer of motorsport content creation and showed us all what was possible.

So we’re going to go over his life, show what made him so great as well as some of his INCREDIBLE cars.
You may know Ken Block from watching the WRC, the Dirt franchise of video games or the incredible Gymkhana videos – but Ken Block actually started out in life wanting to be a skateboarder – growing up in Long Beach, California.

But once his family moved to San Diego or the ‘middle of nowhere’ as he called it, he started to mess around with dirt bikes. This would start his obsession with extreme sports that would define his life.

📹 All source footage can be found here 👉

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#KenBlock #Hoonigan #Gymkhana


26 thoughts on “The Incredible Story of Ken Block”

  1. I love how people talk about how much talent it takes to be a good driver and this dude started at 37 and became one of the worlds most famed drivers. I think it takes a lot less skill and a lot more people willing to let you ruin car after car after car in attempts. Basically, money, and absolutely nothing to do with driving carts as a kid and being a lifelong driver. It really just takes balls and a big wallet, or someone else’s in Ken’s case.

  2. The only person in history to ever die a horrible death and actually be resurrected, his name is Jesus Christ or Yeshua Hamashiach, Lord father our God. Creator of all things, he which who is, who was and who is to come. Though I know you come quickly, come lord Jesus..

    Greave this name above all. Because he controls where Ken goes.


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