FluidNinja LIVE 1.7 – all in one tutorial – answering the most common user questions

All key features explained – by going through 12 example stages. SEE CHAPTERS BELOW!

1) 00:00 About this video
2) 00:44 SHOWCASE: Environment and Character FX made with Ninja
3) 06:13 INTRO: Skills, Learning Resources, Merging
4) 13:01 STAGE 1: What is Ninja?
5) 16:51 STAGE 2: Shapes and Interaction
6) 25:07 STAGE 3: Sim Components: TraceMesh, InteractionVolume, ActivationVolume
7) 31:24 STAGE 4: Scale, Rotation and Position of Sim Components
8) 44:18 STAGE 5: Position: parented to a moving Actor, Locking and World Space Offset
9) 54:00 STAGE 6: Buffers and Output Materials, RenderTargets
10) 1:02:04 STAGE 7: Direct Driving external systems
11) 1:15:29 STAGE 8: More tricks with Sim buffers and Output Materials
12) 1:24:50 STAGE 9: Modularity: building Actors from Components
13) 1:27:29 STAGE 10-11: World space motion vs external systems
14) 1:32:38 STAGE 12: Copy-pasting existing setups
15) 1:34:52 STAGE 12: Params: Actor and Component Details, Preset Manager and Material Ops
16) 1:39:27 STAGE 12: Setting up a simple character FX from scratch
17) 1:45:45 STAGE 12: Setting up a WorldSpace environment FX from scratch

FluidNinja LIVE Tutorials Playlist:

Live 1.7 dedicated YOUTUBE playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVCUepYV6TvMXN8HQjLU9wKz-G_6JvJsF

Live 1.7 playable DEMO exe: https://kynolin.itch.io/fluidninja-live-17-demo
Homepage: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/fluidninja-live
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FluidNinjaLIVE

FluidNinja LIVE Showcases Playlist

For baking fluids, see NinjaTools:


14 thoughts on “FluidNinja LIVE 1.7 – all in one tutorial – answering the most common user questions”

  1. Maybe the questions are answered in the video. Sadly, I did not yet have time to watch it. So sorry for asking:
    Does the tutorial work with ue 5 as well?
    Can you just copy assets from the example-levels to your level?
    Do you need anything like rtx graphics card for that?


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