Dodging fishing boats crossing from Australia to Indonesia – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.304)

Marijke flies home to celebrate new life and Thomas joins us for the crossing from Australia over the Arafura Sea towards Kei Islands in Indonesia. Not easy to avoid the numerous fishing vessels and their nets in the dark at an average speed of close to 10 knots.


15 thoughts on “Dodging fishing boats crossing from Australia to Indonesia – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.304)”

  1. Wonderfull drone footage of the motions of this Outremer under these wave and windconditions. And yes Thomas is right: the right speed and pressure gives a more comfortable ride. Great to see it in this video

  2. Great video’s. You motivated us to buy an catamaran “Lagoon 46, Sailing ASHA” and start sailing. Now we are ready to start making video’s of our trips. We like the animation were you show your trip, probably asked many times but can you share the name of the site to create them


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