The Mandalorian S3 Ep2, Womxn To The Rescue! As Side-Character Fails Again… Reaction And Review.

let the past die, choke it with womxn if you have too

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27 thoughts on “The Mandalorian S3 Ep2, Womxn To The Rescue! As Side-Character Fails Again… Reaction And Review.”

  1. It would have been interesting if he still has to do his bounty hunter work class of ultras plans because of group. Another words, it's a father who still has to work and take care of his child at the same time

  2. The mandalorian group that pablo belongs to is realy just a small sect of the mandalorian culture. All the og mandalorian think its retarded that you cant remove your helmet, if i remember correctly

  3. I think the issue Arch has is that compared to Bo, Mando looks like he can't take care of himself, which makes no sense considering Mando > Carlos Despasito > Bo. I'll grant you that her being better with the darksaber made sense, but the thing is that Bo had zero problem taking out the machine that one shot Mando. It makes it look like Bo is in a whole other league compared to Mando. Makes her look like Goku and Mando look like Yamcha. One simple change could resolve that: make the fight actually hard for Bo so that Mando doesn't look like a wimp. Plus, Bo has to save him again when he swims.

  4. Come on Arch, you can't explain things like ideals, honor and codes of personal conduct to the leftwing bug men and communists who write disney soy-shit.

    They have no concept of such things.

  5. Well that was a shit take… again.
    Even if you don't care about the subject, at least act like you care about your audience enough to look into the subject just a tiny little bit before you make your videos Barch.

  6. All i can say is that if you watched the Clone Wars series it all makes sense. Bo is hard as fuck and wants to lead the Mandalorians so in short she can use the dark sabre.

  7. Arch this is an L take. Get off your little hate train and go play some warhammer. Bo is badass and was established as being a pretty good fighter.

    I love you but this video is pure ass.

  8. Bo- Katan being a badass is no big deal to me. It’s her hypocrisy I hate.

    What makes me laugh is how Bo-Karan acts as though she’s the only one who’s been a true Mandalorian, despite the fact that she was a member of the damn Death Watch for a significant portion of the Clone Wars. You know, the same Death Watch who fought against Boba’s father and grandfather and framed them to get the Jedi to wipe them out. The sheer hypocrisy of Bo-Katan. Whining about how Din’s cult “abandoned Mandalore”, when her group, in no particular order, framed their ideological opponents, extorted several villagers, committed multiple acts of terrorism, and brought crime lords to Mandalore in a bid to usurp the Mandalorian throne.

  9. I see my comment from the previous video is holding up nicely. Edit: Oh, that's Bo Katan? So they're defiling one of the cooler characters of the EU that was actually kept canon? How fitting. She was awesome in Clone Wars… and now they have her associate with this unnecessary third season because… memberberries? If you were saying this had anything of a plot to speak of I wouldn't even mind if she's being her and appearing. blegh

  10. It's kind of funny listening to you two whine about aspects of mandelorian culture being disrespected like it's decades old when alot is only as old as this show's 1st season. Eh you kids nowadays.

  11. Listen, Arch, this was just a bad take as explained by many, MANY people here in the comments. Bo-Katan has every in-universe reason to do as well as she did. She is more experienced than Din and she had an idea what she was walking into. I hope you take a moment and a breath to rethink why you lashed out at this episode


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