Fleet update: November '22

Another monthly catch-up on the goings-on in the yard.

#rover #rover25 #rover45 #rover75 #roversd1 #rover200 #mgf #mgtf #rover600 #rover800 #mgzr #mgzs #mgzt #herlequinrover #multicolouredrover #funnyrover #Rochdale #Transitface #funny #silly #sureal #projectnigel


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Related channel with Boaty: https://youtube.com/channel/UCE0xZc5-piL0kt2nor1DreQ


12 thoughts on “Fleet update: November '22”

  1. If you enjoy doing it keep doing it it's called YouTube not mytube lol. I hope you have good luck with your sale of knackered horse. Least Ronda is sold as for the 800 well someone will get a good project. I do like the colour of spooky. No nonsense sales pitch on transit face lol. He should sell no problem. Am sure you will get around to sorting Riannan. Big update at PNH this Month.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

  2. Do you think a person with a bit more than basic mechanical knowledge is capable of changing the thermostat and Saab valve on the 1.4 zr. My car runs perfectly allways the right temp coolant is nice pink colour. But the pipes from the thermostat going into the bulkhead are cold but before the thermostat they are hot. I have all the parts but taking the inlet manifold off is scaring me a bit.

  3. I quite like to see Fleet updates from hubnut and also Furious driving so personally keep doing your one's as well please. It's good to see how things are progressing or not as the case maybe!
    Is there anyway you can make enough space in your 'workshop' to fit the little MG? At least then it can dry out over the winter and we can maybe see you tinker with it on U-tube ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Nice to see Peugeot Mountain Bike get a mention. I see what youโ€™re doing, youโ€™re keeping the miles down so itโ€™s value will appreciate when the hipsters cotton on to the joys of Gallic millennium MTBs. People donโ€™t give Peugeot the credit they deserve for their bikes, the PX10 is a thing of great beauty and majesty. I prefer the old copper coloured Wiliers though, theyโ€™re just a bit more exotic and glamorous. I had roast chicken for lunch today. On a Monday. With roasties and corn on the cob. Iโ€™m living such a decadent lifestyle it can only end in disaster and destitution.

  5. Before the video I was speculating to myself which missing celebrity might be living in the SD1 but it turns out nobody. I wonder if whoever it wasn't might have nipped into into George's 800 instead? ๐Ÿ˜„
    I like the new lights in the lockup, now you can see Tony & the Bandit! ๐Ÿ˜
    Liking goats more than cows? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ What shock revelation will be next, liking Seat more than Rover?!!


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