First Look at Harvest Moon The Winds of Anthos! Is it Any Good?

Today I’m playing Harvest Moon The Winds of Anthos!

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28 thoughts on “First Look at Harvest Moon The Winds of Anthos! Is it Any Good?”

  1. I'm skimming through this stream I missed, but my first comment is it was funny how the music abruptly stopped when the switch keyboard came up. I didn't realize this release date had come so quickly! I'll be looking forward to your final review also.

  2. yeah i do believe it was a really a bad choice on their end to make this open world, they should have made it sandbox, because they obviously have 0 knowledge on what an open world is or feels like. this is not a good open world at all again… ugh thought they woukd learn from one world that its better to stick to wht you know, and our knoledged and learn about the other thing like open world later on, like practice it on the side get to understand get knowledgeable at least… this feels empty just like one world…which was the reason i didnt like it. one world i loved the characters, the farming was really fun to me, and i loved the concpt for the story but the villages needed to be designed better than what we got.

    fairly i am glad this has an upgrade but some parts of the animation look, and play not great.. like when you rotate a dinasour, saw how it was with nintalk don't know how many more are out there but sigh.

    i will give the game a go tho.. until my time at sandrock launches i will fade away lol no but i will finish this one. i hope natsume just doesn't try to please again everyone and stick to what their good at.. no open world in the next game please i am already starting to get bugged by it especially when its trying to copy or like obvious cash grab or its just not done well rather lazily.

    in tnis case it was done because they wanted to try it out… which i get it but don't do it on the product you are selling instead do a concept demo let people guide you that know very much more of said genre or higher people that know of it to make it better.

    but thanks for the gameplay josh ❤

  3. Blows my mind that one guy can make the incredible Stardew Valley but a massive company like Natsume with a full team can't even meet his bar. Shovel ware release after the other with this once great IP.

    Even the Story of Season's games are weak in comparison to the early 2000 games and Stardew Valley.

  4. I bought the game, even though I only played for an hour (had to go to work), im enjoying it so far. I don't compare games to other games, each game has it's own mechanics and charm, and I don't have a bandwagon mentality. If I think I may enjoy a game, I'll buy it, regardless of others' opinions. People hailed Faefarm as an awesome and fun game and I agree it is funny and colorful but no one mentions some of it's flaws because they just repeat what others say. The camera and lack of camera options/angles REALLY suck, the jumping mechanics are all over the place, I don't like the faces, they are flat compared to the 3d look of the bodies and the relationships are blah, (which is fine, because I don't care much about anyway). Btw, MOST farming sims don't have a jumping mechanic, even AC didn't (except when certain criteria were met), unless there is a combat element in it. I think people nitpick because they see their peers doing it. I'm a farm/life sim fanatic, I'll try them all, at least once.

  5. have you heard of wholesome out and about its a foraging cooking and farming game its Kickstarter is now but it comes out in 2025 and early access is 2024 (and i'm happy about that cause just like you said they are just posting farming games all at once left to right like its a trend…)all i know its an open world that has educational aspects of herbs and one of the overlooked in my opinion of farming sims foraging im like a goblin i enjoy collecting and hoarding things.

  6. My only gripe with this game is the way they did the beginning, they did it poorly. Once you build the barn and take the wall down completely that’s when the game opens up and lets you do whatever you want 🥰

  7. At least this game looks good in a screenshot, but it still seems pretty bland, which is a shame.
    They could do better, imo. There are a lot of visual feedback missing, and the characters are so generic and boring.
    They are still miles away from older Harvest Moon (and I know the comparison may not seem fair since the actual successors are Story of Seasons, but since they're using the same name of the older games, it's logical to make this comparison).
    The game lacks more personality, which is my main point.

  8. The residents that live there are just so lifeless
    I hate that you can’t jump, the world is so big but getting around early game is so painstakingly slow
    Energy drains so fast
    The world is big but it looks so empty and holo
    The frame rate dropping is annoying and pretty bad too
    But at least it is better than its predecessor!

  9. The way i’m seeing people nitpicking this game, when the story of season newer releases have been lackluster Is annoying. The last great title of SOS was from the 3DS era. A lot of mechanics their nitpicking in this game are not present in most farming games, but this one is getting most of the brute of the complaints. Try the game for yourself and see for yourself if you like it or not. Stop getting your thought from other people nitpicking and saying the same things. Like with every release Natsume is improving the harvest moon IP, and trying to make it their own.

  10. The kitchen does use items in storage, you just have to click select ingredients when cooking! Something else I didn't realize is that if you hold B in the mines you can save a TON of energy because it shows you where resources are via digging and where the ladder to the next level is

  11. To my standards. This game looks bad. My first harvest moon was hero of the leaf valley but after learning more about the split up, i stopped playing harvest moon series. The last harvest moon i've played was tales of two towns. No offense but this game will not hold a candle against Olive Town or SoS Mineral Town.

  12. Thanks for showing us this! I feel pretty disappointed with the farming/cozy sims lately that they can't manage to be beautiful AND have interesting characters who say a variety of things AND have good depth of the systems. There are so many games that do a piece here or there well, so it's not like this is asking a developer to reinvent the wheel, but just stick it all into the same game. I get this is technically better than the last Harvest Moon, but that was a low bar to begin with.

  13. The music hurts my ears, too! I wonder if it’s using certain beats that irritate tinnitus. Also, it instantly turned me off when you said it was lagging a bit because Pioneers of Olive Town did that and it got so bad the more you obtained that it started crashing. I know that’s Marvelous but the menus and tutorial look like similar if not the same graphics so they’re probably using similar engines. PoOT didn’t get patched until much later, and once you get enough makers it still stutters and freezes years later. This’ll be a hard pass lol. 😂

  14. Harvest Moon, dont need a empty open World… the Mines looking empty and Borring too.

    They use 1 Face Typ, for EVERY NPC. Just the Eyes and hair, are different.

    For Real, the game is just trash, like the One World. Just looks a bit better.

  15. Sorry but i dont think Story of Seasons wonderful Life was very good, this is way better. Wonderful Life Just looked cheap and you mostls Just listened to the Same jibberish from the villagers… Pioneers of Olive town was way better, Just as this Game is better Then wonderful Life.


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