Firefighter Caught PUNCHING Handcuffed Patient in Miami Emergency Room | NBC 6 News

A City of Miami Fire Rescue lieutenant who was caught on video punching a handcuffed patient on a stretcher said he has no regrets over his actions. NBC 6’s Heather Walker reports.


50 thoughts on “Firefighter Caught PUNCHING Handcuffed Patient in Miami Emergency Room | NBC 6 News”

  1. Notice how the tiny little female cop couldn’t do a damn thing to stop him? Now think about if this firefighter was a criminal she just pulled over and he decided to beat the life out of her? Men and women are NOT equal. Women should NOT be in any kind of combat role in the workforce. If you think differently, you’re either some woke ❄️ or a cuck. Period.

  2. The court of public opinion has no qualms with this public servant's behavior, matter of fact; I believe if it's all in good popularity and the budget- put this man in for some sort of promotion or bonus.

    -(Armed private contractor on the south side of chicago)

  3. As a professional, you are not allowed to touch a person under substance exposure or otherwise, for that matter, anyone. It comes with the job. I have seen videos of cops getting slammed and beat up by civilians, and they were vilified by the same people on social media if they tried to defend. themselves. What am I missing? They are all public servants. It is because of…Wow!

  4. People should be taught not to indulge in such disgusting acts, such as spotting etc. against firefighters. Mr Webster should be salutes for this action and he should get his job back. There’s no excuse for law and fire personnel to be treated like this.

  5. People are only people and people can only take so much. He's a fire fighter not Jesus. I guarantee he's a really, really good person and he's just had enough of the bull πŸ’©. Don't fire him. Let him decide if he still wants to work in the field. ❀️

  6. Antonio Cruz garbage sent to America from Cuba. A Cuban jailbird. Mr
    Webster is right, how dare he spit in Mr. Websters face and probably called him the N word. I stand behind Mr. Webster 100 percent. Do not fire this man a man who risks his life everyday. If I had the opportunity I would beat this spitting punk with a stick myself. Send this Julio back to Cuba.

  7. Agree with his statement about this being a PSA. Maybe it will teach other criminals that their actions do in fact have consequences. However I bet that 2019 noose crap was his own doing especially considering all the other hoax nooses that happened in the past few years.


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