FINALLY: US Air Force is Testing the Deadliest Nuclear Weapons In History!

In the ever-shifting tides of geopolitics, amidst the echoes of a bygone era, an ominous question looms—USA versus Russia ICBM: a chilling symphony of power reverberating through history. In this video, we’re diving into a topic that might send shivers down your spine: the USA and Russia showdown with nuclear weapons. Yep, we’re talking about those big, bad intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs.

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10 thoughts on “FINALLY: US Air Force is Testing the Deadliest Nuclear Weapons In History!”

  1. At least twice you've defined Chernobyl as an example of nuclear war; perhaps, instead of referring to "Hiroshima and Chernobyl" you should say "Hiroshima and Nagasaki" which would be accurate.

  2. Just one nuclear armed submarine can destroy this planet. The amount of nuclear missiles can blow this planet up completely; assured mutual self destruction. The population of this planet is at 28 Billion People; we whole live on the surface make up 8 Billion People of this total of 28 Billion. There is another 20 Billion People whom live in caverns below the surface. Admiral Byrd spent considerable time mapping a part of this Giant Cavern System; from entering the opening of the North Pole. During Operation High Jump he and his pilot were escorted into a Crystal City below the South Pole; where he met "the Master", a Monk and Governor of Agatha. The Master expressed concern and warned about Nuclear Weapons Testing. We do not have the right to endanger the Planet; the 20 Billion people that live below ground have a say on what we do. We have no right to endanger these people and our own. This insanity now has spread to smaller countries and a real proliferation of nuclear weapons within unstable Nations like North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and China with the PLA and the CCP in a Nation like the others where corruption exist like no where else. Now we have a destabilizing situation between two Nuclear Powers with one nation being, Iran, a very unstable nation led by a psychopathic destabilizing, that wants to kill every last citizen of Israel. A man described as person who has no capacity to be human; to express emotions and looking into his black eyes; you are looking into a soulless Reptilian Human Hybrid of pure evil. The Supreme Leader, who calls for the destruction of Israel and the US.

  3. The only thing this video has established is that there is a need for us to maintain an overwhelming nuclear superiority. It is not hard to understand the goals China entertains which is world domination. North Korea is led by a mentally unstable leader from whom it would be the height of foolishness to expect any rational, stable diplomacy. Then we have Puking in Russia who has already threatened to use nuclear weapons if he doesn't get his way. In the light of his power decline, his progressive and fatal diseases, approaching demise, and his desperation to hold onto power, can anyone really not believe he just might decide to take the whole world out with him if the worst comes to worst? And then there is Iran, who believes that their god will ultimately make Moslems the one and only dominant world power no matter what course they take to kind of hurry his program along. In view of Hamas' recent atrocities, being a client of Iran, kind of casts a pessimistic prognostication for the future. We have thousands of years of recorded history which demonstrates that humanity cannot exist for very long without a war. In the late eighteenth century a new nation was born, which was not even close to perfect, but which was able to grow and provide an ambient where a citizen was free to do whatever he wanted with his life. Slavery, which was a stench in the nostrils of any thinking person, and which denied this to an important part of the citizens, did finally come to be seen for what it was. But still, apart from that it was a good system. But how about now, after the passage of centuries? It has become a pit of moral filth, political corruption, greed, and uncontrolled violence. The same is common to mankind in general. We are not getting better and have no reason to believe that despots and tyrants are about to become somehow extinct. Freedom and liberty are only bought and kept secure through strength. "Diplomacy" will not change that fact. Nuclear weapons are a blight but unfortunately, since tyrants and despots have obtained nuclear weapons, a free people MUST have enough to conquer enemies that will arise. A world without wars is a utopian dream impossible to achieve.


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