Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Is the Game We've All Been Waiting For

Nico gets an early look and preview at the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and reveals new info about the game as well as his own thoughts.

Huge thanks to @Maximilian_Dood for providing this 4K gameplay footage

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47 thoughts on “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Is the Game We've All Been Waiting For”

  1. If we do get outfit changes then I swear we BETTER get Red in SOILDER gear (including seeing him standing upright if we’re sneaking onto a Shinra ship) and Barret in his sailor suit!!!!

  2. Hm, how very interesting, this certainly does look pretty good already, it’s going to be very fascinating to see how the full Game turns out.
    Hm, i really do wonder how it will follow up upon the whole changing Fate plot line in Remake, what do you think?

    Anyway, is this supposed to be your upload for the Day?

  3. Thanks for doing this deep dive into the demos Nico and thanks Max for providing you with the footage to do it. Making me even more hype for this game, both to play it myself and watch your LP of it. We're gonna be eating good in 2024!

  4. "We had him perform a hobo version of Omni-slash at the end last time. How do we make that a thing he can do in this one?"
    Slowly, every looks at Punisher Mode "I mean… No one will really miss what it was before, right?"

  5. Sephi: You're practically panting.
    Cloud: I'm excited.
    Sephi: Such a puppy.

    Welp, if it wasn't a ship before!😂
    Seriously, no one can tell me they aren't shipbaiting hard with that interaction.😂

  6. Considering how much I loved Barret in the Remake, I cannot wait for Corel Prison and what he has to face there. The sailing section on the Cargo ship where everyone dresses in Soldier/sailor uniforms is going to be so funny. Nevermind all the Golden Saucer shenanigans.

    It's great that I'm looking forward to the characters at their lowest and most emotional and also the most fun scenes that will be hilarious. They can expand on these parts so much and make them even more memorable by bringing them to life. Cannot believe we are only a few months away.

  7. Finding Yuffie in lower Junon is better writing than her just stealing our stuff in Kalm. She can't survive out there on her own and she's been traumatized by what's happened to Sonon. She may not realize it, but she needs our party as much as we need her.

  8. I mean they don't have to completely delevel you. A game series I'm into (legend of heroes Cold steel to be exact) has it where in CS 2 you actually start at level 50 and keep most of your skilks and instead gain improved versions as you level up.

    What they could do is have youstart at whatever level they think is appropriate, maybe keep some of your weapons and come up with a reason why you don't have all your materia. It probably wouldn't work as well, but it'd be cool if they could find a way to make it work

  9. I don't know if this content creator is conscious of this but after watching the max breakdown of some of this Final Fantasy 7 rebirth stuff and then listen to this video, the inflections in the way this content creator talks is borderline identical to Max( ormax talks like NicoB. I don't know who is older😂).

    It threw me off but I did finish the whole video. Maybe it's one of those things were there's only so many voices in the world but you guys talk very similarly.

  10. to be honest i don't see much of a difference in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth vs Final Fantasy VII R P1 ???
    also the game so generic looking JRPG Character model ???
    you may hate FF16 but at least it have incredible set pieces, better OST, and grounded character model…

    sorry not impressed…

  11. This game is looking SO GOOD! Another detail you didn't mention (possibly just didn't want to hint/spoil anything?) is Cloud's behavior from what we can see in the flashback. Even without hearing the voice acting, just seeing the subtitles of what he's saying and especially his BODY LANGUAGE is jarring. Which makes sense when you consider [redacted].


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