THE CALAMITY IS UPON US! CAN WE PLEASE STOP PRETENDING FFXIV IS IN A GOOD PLACE CONTENT WISE! At this point why is no one asking what casual players or midcore players are meant to do in Endwalker? If someone does not raid and have been playing since Stormblood what content is there for these players? WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT FFXIV AND ENDWALKER!

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 FFXIV Canary in the Coal Mine
0:10 Endwalker Expansion Problems
0:31 Playerbase Numbers Revealed!
2:00 A Year of No New Content
4:04 Reward Structure Concerns
4:30 Rewards get people to try new things
5:12 Item level is a bad reward
7:17 Content Longevity
8:41 Relic is Gone
9:39 Exploration Zones in Dawntrail Bozja and Eureka
11:07 FFXIV Endwalker Content Drought
11:22 What content is there for casual players


28 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Content CALAMITY! PLAYERS QUITTING! [FFXIV 6.48]”

  1. I LOVE this game and my goal is to do all the ultimate raids, literally looking for TEA groups in the background. I love the developers! I say this very clearly in the video but I do NOT want my genuine love and care for this game lost in me feeling the need to discuss this.

  2. ffxiv content has been garbage for 8 years. Do savage just to do more savage. It’s so pointless since crafted gear is enough to clear it. There has always been a content drought between x.4 and the new expansion. And some people ask for a grind, but what’s the point? Grinding in ffxiv is like the worst as everything will be obsolete in no time, there is nothing meaningful.

  3. You're right about the cash shop and the shadow dog mount.
    I had a team ready to do blue mage raids with and I even managed to convince people that do regular savage to jump in because of the mount.
    But once it came out in the cash shop, poof! The team dissolved that very instance. :/

  4. I legitimately believe it's just because there's been lots of good games this year. Less grind will have an effect, sure, but This has been one of the best years for games in half a decade

  5. If it wasn't for my alts, I wouldn't even be playing. Not even for the recent moogle tomestone event with all the rewards you get from them.

    I have almost no reason to log in with my main. FFXIV needs to make better long lasting content that keeps players wanting to log in. Bozja, Eureka and Firmament are great examples. Varient/Criterion could have been that if the rewards weren't so abysmal and easy to get off of the market board.

  6. bozja2 where 🙁 but as someone who spends most of his nights with mommy omegaF, big froggo and ken i have enough content for now. (if i didn't do ultimates id quit the game until next expansion tho)

  7. Still have from October to July. Currently around half of my gear are already BiS.
    Though I can just do older content for now till next year, the problem for me will come around post game of the next expansion after I drained all the older content.

  8. I agree with you (and Zepla too) but be aware that core design seems to be working at least a year and a half ahead of live, likely to give time to the production teams (art, level design, music, engineering, etc.) to make the content. For example they said that Save-the-Queen was in the pipeline for 20 months when Bozja shipped. So even if they 180 and go back to Stormblood-style releases, we might not see any change until well into Dawntrails and it will look like they're ignoring feedback whether they are or not. If the game is nosediving right now (and it appears to looking at my FC) they probably can't do much about it.

    I just hope that next time they decide to skip a field zone for an expansion, they at least pimp Eureka up to whatever the level cap is, make it drop current tomes and throw in Eureka weapons for the jobs we didn't have in Stormblood. This is important content for the game.

  9. They gave us Variant/Criterion and Eureka Orthos in place of Bozja because people complained about Bozja. Bozja was not universally loved. Personally, running from fate to fate in a zone full of brown mud made me log out and read a book. I checked out Variant and Orthos this time and enjoyed them both.

  10. I intentionally left myself something to do during the drought between 6.5 and 7.0, jobs to level.. relics etc, that said.. I'm not a fan of the FOMO aspect of the PvP Series Pass Rewards.
    I login to mostly check my submarines and attempt to drum up the motivation to even queue for PvP, end up AFK'ing in Limsa.. talking to friends and switching games again.

  11. I'm mixed on this stuff. I very much DO love Eureka and Bozja and WANT ANOTHER ONE in the future. I think not having that kind of content in an expansion is showing to be a mistake.

    …however, people are misusing statistics a lot to support this narrative of the game falling apart (which seems to have "broken out" with Zepla's video a couple weeks ago). As you note, the numbers are still absolutely healthy. There are a lot of caveats. The short list being that Lucky Bancho numbers only count people with public achievements (meaning it will ALWAYS be undercounting the total), and that we're comparing against a drop from a 10 year high fueled by a global pandemic (people being laid off, going online due to lockdowns, etc) simultaneously with WoW first crashing and burning but then launching an expansion that seems popular (drawing some of its players back), and when you are at a higher spot, you have further to fall. It's a bit odd to consider that FFXIV would sustain the inflated numbers indefinitely, and we may be seeing a reversion to the mean, like in Civilization games when the "Golden Age" status ends and city production returns to normal levels.

    It's entirely possible that this could be a data point portending a future trend line, but something everyone has to remember from high school algebra: You cannot plot a line with only one point. We really need more data points (as you point out, the very last one seems a data error of some kind) before we can plot out a trend line. And imo, we really have to wait until DT, specifically to see if we're just going "back down" to "what the line would be without the covid/post-covid inflation" or if we're actually dropping farther and in a permanent decline.

    On the one hand, I don't think that it's wise to say there's nothing to address – I think that would be foolish – but on the other hand, I think a lot of people are being far too quick to shot doom and gloom. While there are some new voices, there are a lot of people that have been down on the game for a while (even while it was hoppin') that are insisting this justifies their long-term negativity, which it really does not.

    So…I'm taking a measured approach. Asking for the changes I think are important – again, I REALLY think we need an Exploration Zone each expansion, and Criterion/Island are NOT it – but also not declaring doom and gloom just yet.

  12. Oh, and I do agree with the Relic. In the future, we can have this kind of tomestone weapon TOO – I know some people don't like being time gated with the 7x normal Raid clears and just want to grind out glowy weapons, so that's fine – but it needs to be IN ADDITION TO, not a replacement for, a concurrent Relic weapon grind in the future.

  13. Yoshi-P said loong time ago, that this game is about story, they know why people are dropping the game, and know they will return back with new patch and new story

  14. We may also need to think about the world-wide economy drop down and ppl decide to afk for a while to seek some job and maintain the life. But yeah , me and my gf both find that the 6.x made us feel less anticipated compared to 5.x and 4.x somehow.

  15. I don't worship Yoshi P or Soken and the rest of the team so it was easier for me to see things as they are since long before it was so obvious. I'm glad so many people are finally opening their eyes.
    This will forever be a game that could've been so much better. Recent Yoshi P. interviews has kind of make me even more doubtful a lot will change since it seems to focus on the "younger audience" now and trying to make the game more accessible to everyone.

  16. I admit I've slowed down my logins recently, but I still love XIV. My reasonings are that I have started other games (XVI, MK1, and Elden Ring, among others). I had farmed Moogle Tomes hard for the first few weeks, but now I got most of what I wanted, so I slowed down.

    Also, I work retail, and am getting ready for 4th quarter, so my focus outside gaming is shifting a bit.

  17. And this happens every single time we are in patch content, people go play other games until next expansion. Yoshi P even says "You don't have to play FF14 every day, come back when you want."

  18. I think its funny how people only think in trends and percentages and cant consider raw numbers sometimes.

    Yes, the game is trending downward at a faster rate than before. But it was also at an all time high after the most significant upward trend of all time which was largely brought on by covid. It is not surprising that we are trending down as more and more people start going back into the office and have less free time. Its also important to note this is one of the busiest years of all time when it comes to popular games coming out which will have a signficiang effect.

    The size of the content lull in EW is laregely irrelevant considering DT will have more significant backend changes than any prior EP. This will MASSIVE improve retention as people who previously were leaving the game after an EP due to a horrible login queue experience or the graphics being 10 years old wont feel the same way.

    .4-.5 patches will never kill the game. If the game dies itll be due to the initial .0 to .2 patches. EPs have too easy a time bringing people back to die before one comws out.

    Also. EW is not the most content lacking EP. HW is often considered worse. And i would argue ShB is worse as well. Yea, we had bozja. Do you know what else? Nothing. Just the standard alliance raids, raids, and dungeons/story/trials. Not only did it fail to add any content outside of Bozja, but it actually cut content wed been getting routinely like deep dungeon, allied quests, job quests (i dont mind this, role quests were better. But its less content), hildebrand, and even an ultimate (which was delayed due to covid but the reason doesnt change what was). I dont see how anyone thinks EW is less content filled than ShB's, you really going to tell me a single game mode makes up for a deep dungeon, varient, island sanctuary, new pvp game mode, tataru, manderville, allied quests? Really? The mistake people are making is taling 1 specific piece of content like varient and comparing it 1:1 with bozja. Thats not a fair comparison.


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