EXPLOSIVE! Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudeikis Ex Nanny EXPOSES Harry Styles Affair, LEAKED Texts & More!

EXPLOSIVE! Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudeikis Ex Nanny EXPOSES Harry Styles Affair, LEAKED Texts & More!

Exclusive Interview From the DailyMail UK – Olivia Wilde, 38, has always insisted that she and Jason Sudeikis parted ways in early 2020 and her affair with former boybander Styles started months later.

She told Vanity Fair: ‘The complete horses**t idea that I left Jason for Harry is completely inaccurate. Our relationship was over long before I met Harry.’

But in fact, she was talking of marriage to Sudeikis as late as October that year, the nanny said, and broke up with Sudeikis a month later, just weeks after she began filming Don’t Worry Darling with Styles in Palm Springs, California.

Far from being a mutual decision, DailyMail.com can disclose Wilde’s decision left Sudeikis blindsided and saw him on one occasion make a desperate attempt to stop her from leaving their home to go see Styles by lying under her car.

The nanny, who DailyMail.com has agreed not to identify, shared details of the couple’s demise and a series of incendiary texts detailing how Sudeikis was left heartbroken by Wilde’s sudden cutting of ties.

The explosive interview and scathing text messages between the nanny, Wilde and Sudeikis reveal:

Wilde began spending more time away from home citing work at the start of November and eventually dumped Sudeikis on November 8.

Sudeikis later uncovered the full details of her relationship with Styles by reading messages on an Apple watch Wilde had left behind and banned the nanny from playing Styles’ music near their children.

The stunned actor was distraught following Wilde’s abrupt departure and was left ranting ‘she’s left us’ and ‘she’s f***ing someone else’.

Sudeikis told nanny ‘she put the move on him [Harry]. She kissed him at one of the dinners they had for the cast in Palm Springs. She did that.’

Sudeikis became infuriated after seeing Wilde prepare a salad for Styles with her ‘special dressing’ in the family kitchen, leaving him ranting furiously at her and filming the encounter, before he tried to prevent her leaving by lying under the car.

During the altercation Wilde told him: ‘I’m scared of you, Jason, I’m scared of you’. And he said: ‘If you’re scared of me, why are you leaving your kids with me’?’

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47 thoughts on “EXPLOSIVE! Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudeikis Ex Nanny EXPOSES Harry Styles Affair, LEAKED Texts & More!”

  1. Everyone has an opinion but sometimes you just have a connection with someone and the age doesn’t matter . I’ve dated men older than 10 years , and also 8 years younger . If the connection is mind blowing it’s hard to say no .

  2. Jason still has to keep the peace with her because of the kids. She may be trying to make him look unstable to gain custody. I hope both men wake up to what they are dealing with… Jason may be already.

  3. What a shi$ show! Who knows what to believe? I’ve heard PR stunt, and now I believe she is obsessed with Harry. Hope Harry comes to his senses before Olivia screws his life up!

  4. Are you sure it's not OW trying to make the so called affair with Harry seem more real. Let's face it she can't make herself look any worse. Her obsession with Harry seems to be her main focus, more than her children, the movie and Jason. It's like "what Olivia wants, Olivia gets". Shades of Methane Markle and Amber Turd. Just keep lying, no matter who you destroy, to get what you want. I despise the three of them. The Medusa Triplets

  5. Seems Olivia didn’t/doesn’t care about anything or anyone (including the kids and the nanny) except getting banged by her toy boy😠Just walk out on your husband that’s been trying to work on saving their marriage and left the children (only god knows what they’re feeling) and a nanny trying to be there for the children in the family home SHE simply walk out on for a new lover🤬 Despicable!!!!

  6. I don't care what people do in their marriage, it's their business. What I do get from this is Olivia left her kids with a heartbroken man to jump into bed with a boy. She didn't want to deal with the mess she left behind and she didn't give her time to her young children when their world fell apart. Sorry girl, no D is that great.

  7. You are so right about all of her interviews seeming preemptive! Every time I hear or read an interview, I wonder what dumpster fire she’s s attempting to get ahead of now. She seems so narcissistic and empty inside.

  8. Nanny seemed a bit selfish in this. I get that it's got to be hard being in the middle of a break-up-in-progress, but it's of huge impact to Sudeikis/the kids – their lives are falling apart, and having the employed nanny be "but what about me? You don't ask how I'm doing in this" seems self-centred – yeah, sucks to be you, but you're not the biggest victim here. Meanwhile, if Wilde is so lovesick that she's treating her family/fiance that way, why would you feel entitled to better as the nanny?

    I'm in two minds about the "unfair dismissal" too. Nanny's own story is she'd given notice because she's done with the job, and then there's this incident where she's telling Sudeikis to leave his own residence – I kinda feel like at that point you've hit the destruct button yourself – you've instigated the "you go or I go" situation, even if you don't take accountability for saying the second bit yourself – and then coming back to say technically you were fired and are owed all associated benefits (even when you've had the very $$ hotel bill paid for for the next month)?… and that's on the story as related by her.

    She seems very centered on how terrible it's been for her, and then she's spilled all the family secrets, assumedly because she feels like her treatment justified it. …which takes me back to wondering how fair-minded her telling of the previous even was. She's already set up her "I couldn't nanny after that because my trust in employer families was broken" excuse, with no sense of irony, given she's really tanked her career by totally betraying the trust of her former employers here. Don't trust this one, though the texts/drama sound realistic enough.

  9. This is why narcissists shouldn't have kids. The kids will never come first. All this rubbish about "oh quarantining made us closer" and "I LOVED spending more time at home with my family". Then as soon as it ended they left their kids again without looking back.

  10. It sounds like she got all giddy of this young boyfriend that she some what abandoned her family/kids. That’s what disappointed me. I mean I have always been a person that says Do Not Cheat. If their is some one else split up. When that trust is lost the relationship is never a complete one again. Please the woman choose to stay in a hotel that doesn’t allow kids. That right there tells you exactly where her priorities were, not with the kids. Just dirty.

  11. I'm always so worried about the children when it comes to divorce. Even my friends with divorced parents where the process was semi amicable are still so heavily traumatised in a way. Imagine now having famous parents going through what seems to be an ugly separation. Children deserve to be put first always cause at the end of the day; we didn't ask to be born, the responsibility is always on the parents.🙂

  12. Why did Jason deny this information if it is really true. Although he sure sounds crazy lying under the car and all. And you suggest they sue her? I don't think that's very smart to do and have their dirty laundry on display.

  13. Perhaps they’re not suing to protect the children from a long and drawn out court case revealing all their flaws and crappiness? Who wants another court case like AH & JD or the recent WAGS trial in the UK? Must be devastating for the children so here’s hoping that this is why they’re not taking it further ❤️

  14. The should have at least let the nanny get on with her job, as at least something would have been consistent and reliable for the kids. The nanny seems genuine and they were lucky that she would be thinking about the children with all the upset going on around them. She just got screwed over in the chaos and now they can unite a bit against her, but that is a useless way to behave concerning their children. Not sure what the nanny could do if she was told to leave the house, they could have at least ended her employment decently. Poor kids.

  15. I don't think Jason Sudeikis acted right, but I can understand if he was heart broken. But Olivia leaving the kids on their own is absolutely unacceptable if true. She does come across as a manipulative awful person who uses people to her own ends.

  16. You know, in no time at all we will be reading/hearing another story of how Harry Styles fucked over Olivia Wilde with some other woman and how bad he is etc etc blah blah blah and she will try to make good with Jason Sudeikis and then it will be how he is being a terrible father by not allowing their kids to see their mother. Isn't that the way these celebrity couples do things?

  17. I've loved Harry since 2010 but man… He already had articles similar to this one about going for married lowish women.

    I think this os the last string, I feel bad for Jason. Sorry but fuck Wilde and Styles, what they've done is miserable and I hope karma gets them.

  18. The kids not only suffered in the parent’s break up, but lost their relationship with their nanny too. How sad, all the money in the world doesn’t replace good human relationships for the kids!

  19. The Nanny's fear is ridiculous bcuz she was working as a nanny years b4 that & like any job, one can be let go at anytime for any reason. There are alot of agencies looking for people to care for kids of others; no shortage. Understandable that she is angry at the couple which why she is tattletaling on them to the public which is unprofessional. Take them to court; Dont use the public to attack the couple.

  20. Throwing away your partner & kids together speaks to O's character. Don't enjoy the voyeurist discovery of their personal life. Surely we all have emotional disruptive breakups. It's their business & we should back away from all messages/text. Plz show respect for behavior responses to relationship endings. Anyone who's gone through this terrible time in life needs more privacy & prayers. Not reading messages on YouTube. NO LOVE ON THIS ONE!


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