Explaining The Fallout Show To Someone Who’s Never Played Fallout

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28 thoughts on “Explaining The Fallout Show To Someone Who’s Never Played Fallout”

  1. The stimpak didn’t heal the wound cause she staples the wound closed after the fight, so it’s right to assume that the stimpak is just a coagulant and maybe a pain killer in the fallout show.

  2. A Stimpak is just a medikit (basic videogame logic). Lore wise; "short for stimulation delivery package, is a type of hand-held medication used for boosting the body's own regenerative properties."

  3. I might get taken out for sharing MedTek's secrets.


    Nanobots and Painkillers.

    Stimpacks are filled with painkillers and nano bots, the bots pass through your whole body patching things up, eventually ending their journey in your stomach to be passed out with other waste.

  4. I couldn't get into the show, like most live-action renditions of shit I used to look forward to, but it was mainly because it felt like they were trying to mix a bunch of stuff together from the games without properly telling you much outside of "this is Mary Sue, here's her foil, who's invincible, for some reason (despite Ghouls being rather easy to kill in the games), here's our con-man and his crew, and we're going to fan-bait you into watching this, pretend we know what we're doing, and confuse everyone new to the series."
    The only good thing it did was bring in new folks to try the games, which is still pretty great, so I can't completely hate it for that fact alone.


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