Operation Noot Noot – Episode 67 – British Legendary Campaign

Pingu will be liberated!

This campaign was recorded using Admiralsnackbar’s balance mod which you can find here https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/40790-uad-rebalancing-mod-for-13-v1/

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Lieutenants: Armande Christoph
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy
Sergeants: Jackie, Twitchyknees, Alerik Rahl, paga1985s, Haytor, King Memphis
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck.


31 thoughts on “Operation Noot Noot – Episode 67 – British Legendary Campaign”

  1. We have a cunning plan. We'll split out our BC's into two large fleets and hit the British groups at the same time. They'll never expect it and we'll drive them from the seas. They next day .. how did our fleets do Lieutenant? Sir, I have to inform you none of our ships returned to base, and it looks as if we inflicted no damage on the enemy. None sir … None?!? Well reports are we managed to damage a DD whose captain decided to close on our ships so he could .. ahem .. moon .. our cruisers. But beyond that sir, nothing.

  2. Could you potentially refit the iron dukes along the same style as the Royal George's for fleet unity reasons.

    To have something to do.

    And also to rebuild them into faster battleships, making them more useful in the modern age. (The armour is reasonable, the guns still solid, but potentially their lower (comparative) speed is still a slight problem.

  3. Secretary of the Admiralty Ricky Kopf
    May 1935

    The liberation of Pingu Island, codenamed “Operation: Noot Noot”, is going very smoothly as spring transitions to summer. However, HMS Ajax and her task force encountered another large Japanese cruiser fleet, and sank the entire task force. Hopefully, no more large Japanese fleets will intervene in our liberation. Speaking of liberation, the Dominions are tasked with aiding in the liberation of our Indonesian friends. Meanwhile, as the Baltic Fleet withdraws from the area, some of our warships managed to sink some Chinese light cruisers. Speaking of the Chinese, some of our light cruisers have encountered a large convoy escorted by Chinese and Japanese warships. Not that it did any help in stopping us as we decimated the entire convoy.
    Join us next time as the Pacific becomes our playground.

  4. For as bad as the Japanese light cruisers are, they have forced you to be cautious and wary of their torpedoes and they punish you harshly when you fail to respect them properly. Maybe if the Japanese AI had actual capital ships and strategy, those light cruisers would be a major problem in fleet battles.

  5. What's the deal with all the "Noot Noot"? Is that a reference to something in pop culture that I'm just totally oblivious to? Have I been living under a rock or something?

  6. Methinks that in order to have a more…equal…campaign you're going to have to resort to using only AI designs yourself. Three rolls of the dice on any one hull but you must choose one design and not immediately change it and when refitting keep the gun layout.

  7. I think I figured out where your CPU lag is coming from when you mouse over the enemy ships. Kinda spotted it when Glasgow was working over that lone BC. Effectively the damage model that is displayed when your looking at a ship isn't a static display instead it doesn't just show the animated flames and water but it also tracks the orientation of the turrets displayed.

  8. I think the late period radar corrected guns are pretty realistic in terms of accuracy. Iirc the late war US battleships could see the splashes of their guns on radar in real time and adjust accordingly. And they could very accurately measure distance, speed and heading of enemy vessels as well. If you combine that level of detection with very accurate guns and proper fire-control systems. It would not be unrealistic to have consistent hits on target with the second or third volley. Probably even a pretty good chance on the first volley with an experienced and well trained crew.
    If anything I think the effect of those 15'' shell hits on the light cruisers is severely toned down. Considering a single main deck pen of a 15'' shell by Bismark send Hood to the bottom of the Atlantic. I would think a similar hit on a CL would literally rip it apart at the seams.

  9. Not sure if its any help. But ive been faffing with the game and its files a little and i think ive worked out army logistics.
    Im still testing but I'm having a lot of success now. Would what ive discovered help at all BM?


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