Experimental Battleship Saves Colony From Alien Invaders | HFY | Sci Fi Short Story |

When a distant Earth colony sends a desperate distress call that a massive alien invasion fleet is attacking, the untested experimental battleship Galileo hurries to intervene. Outgunned and lacking combat experience, Captain Davis must leverage the ship’s untested weapon to save the colonists from annihilation.


7 thoughts on “Experimental Battleship Saves Colony From Alien Invaders | HFY | Sci Fi Short Story |”

  1. The art for these videos is amusing they do know don't they that any spacecraft doesn't have to do aerodynamic a cube will travel in space just as well as a ship shaped like a plane , looks good but not very realistic

  2. 2 hours x 600 times speed of light = 1200 light hours distance, which is a distance of 50 light days… which means they where already like in the outer regions of the destination system when they received the call. Basically less than 10 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto. They must have already been underway to there to be that close.
    Even at 600 times the speed of light, the closest star system would be like 4.2 lightyears / 600 = 2,55 days away.
    And always I am wondering about time dilation effects at FTL speeds…


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