Why Nostradamus Followers Fear This Horrifying 2023 Prediction

Nostradamus predicted a global war that could arrive in the next few years. Does that mean World War III is imminent? Here’s why the year 2023 has his followers horrified.

#Nostradamus #Prediction #2023

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/1046510/why-nostradamus-followers-fear-this-horrifying-prediction-in-2023/


25 thoughts on “Why Nostradamus Followers Fear This Horrifying 2023 Prediction”

  1. Predictions are there so we can avoid them, not prepare for them to happen. But what they do to us with the mass media and the movies that we CREATE what they tell us like that with our mind we make it true. Start thinking it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN for sure, and act accordingly. If many of us do it, that fact WILL NOT HAPPEN.

  2. Sounds like he's right on target the destruction of a powerful nation is probably the United States as well as tough economic times worldwide. The decline of the Petro dollar it's fast coming to an end and I would say by June of 2023 it will be done with😢


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