Exorcisms, Cults and Psychopathy | Joining Andrew on the Edge

Today I’m joined by the fantastic @AndrewGold1 who runs ‘On The Edge With Andrew Gold’. Andrew is a journalist, a linguist and a presenter who has tackled exorcists, cults, scientology and more, and I have a lot of burning questions for him!

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00:00 Intro
11:11 Communication advice
15:20 The Exorcist
27:39 Combatting Snobbery
30:36 Scientology
35:48 On Psychopaths

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22 thoughts on “Exorcisms, Cults and Psychopathy | Joining Andrew on the Edge”

  1. I wasn’t brought up religious, and I remember being told about god and heaven around about the age of 5, and I thought it was bollocks that everything would be sorted out when you died. That was too late. And everyone clapped.

  2. The most troublesome cult is most definitely the atheist's. Most divisive, most unaccepting of other views or beliefs, and have the most made up conspiracy's about anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do. If allowed to progress unchallanged they would begin a system of eugenics and name themselves god over the masses.

  3. I saw that documentary when it was released. I really respect you for doing it. It's hard to imagine how doing something like that and pressing a guy like that when you're not in friendly territory.

  4. it is not however anyones obligation to "converse" with hard right asshats. it is not my job as an extremely oppressed minority to teach my oppressors why i deserve basic human rights, i do not have any obligation to make nice with people who want me dead. I'm perfectly happy with other people making these efforts, but i cannot express how little energy my worthless ass has to coddle able bodied right wing extremists when I can just barely get to tomorrow because disabled people are forced to live in legislated poverty (by "both" sides of the active political parties across the entirety of turtle island.)

    a nazi not thinking of themselves as a bad person doesn't negate the very real harm they are causing.
    on a tangent of thinking you're a good person while doing awful things, just look at the specific genocidal policy that has my mind completely fractured over how much of a fucking waste my life has been and how much different things could have been if I was fully aware of my heritage instead of having it specifically withheld from me. a policy enacted specifically to "kill the indian, save the child" that canada thought was pretty gosh darn swell for decades, if not centuries and only ceased at the tail end of the last century. america is now pondering making it legal to take natives children and raise them white in the supreme court, because they think they're being good people by raising us "proper"

  5. Wow, Emma! Thank you for introducing us to Andrew, and as soon I I post this comment, I'm over to his channel. After hate watching KH (both), you have cleansed my palate. I do have an observation. I've been following you for some time now, You've always been thoughtful and prepared, and have presented excellent and honest content. And you've always done that with a pleasant manner and a sense of humor, But I also get the sense that you are growing as a person and a content producer, I think it's only going to get better. I look forward to that, Oh, and treat us Boomers well, most of us are not like KH (either). Cheers!

  6. A lot of racists will go extremely out of their way to demonize the ppl they hate in order to justify why it's so important that they discriminate against them (and/or physically attack them/drive them out/kill them). They do think they're doing a "good" thing, specifically that they're "protecting" their community – and they specifically define their community in ways to exclude those they hate.

    And by emphasizing the "otherness" of the demonized ppl group, they're able to raise their kids to see things the same way they do (well, with varying degrees of success – racism doesn't always manage to transmit to the next generation). They also rely on the average person in said racist community never actually seeing the violence being done to keep said racist community "safe." Because once those ppl see the violence, they often get extremely uncomfortable and want to put an end to it. That's where the "comfortable middle class white person" was in the era of segregation. While the evidence was out there and plenty of ppl participated in the violence, the average middle class white person (especially women and children) often weren't exposed directly to the violence being done on their behalf. Out of sight, out of mind and all that.

    It's the same way with police violence. Until ppl started seeing it themselves (through the use of cameras), the average white person didn't believe it was happening or thought it was being grossly exaggerated. Because that wasn't their lived experience. It was out of sight and out of mind. And there's an awful lot of those comfortable middle class white ppl that just want the videos to go away and not have to think about it anymore. To them, the problem isn't that the violence is happening, it's that they know about it.

    Where am I going with this? IDK. I got lost in trying to explore the dynamics of our insane system both past and present and my own experiences as someone who grew up in a comfortable middle class white family. Can I blame ADHD? lol

  7. Where? Where on the left are you seeing cultish behaviour? You can't just make that statement and not give an example. That's more of this bullshit both-sidesim.

    There is NO version of Trumpsim or Q-Anon on the left! Don't say there is if you're not going to offer proof!!!

    It's really horrible that you let this man make such an accusation and not push back, Emma. This is why no one can defeat Q-Anon because people excuse it by saying, "the left does it, too, so we'll leave Q-Anon alone until the left also stops being radical." WHERE? Where is the radical left?

  8. As a FREE thinkng ,,, " Prophet "……. I said this would HAPPEN….. This Gravel Pit .. Isn't big enought for Both of them….🌈 Matt pollywog and it is SO amazing MATT never did any real labor and was still feed .like the others. Now this parisite .goes back to Michigan…

  9. scientology … i would have said evangelicalism…..while scientologist has been in the media for many nefarious activities they do not hold a candle to evangelicalism in politics and mind control of millions and the use of fake news to sway votes . Even supporting corrupt politicians and sowing division to push their agenda. Just recently a evangelical mega church required it congregation to sign an anti LGBT other churches have been known in America to support legislation in Africa to make being gay a crime punishable by death. The idea that tolerance of nations is defined by accepts of beliefs is wrong . Tolerance is a rejection of those who are intolerant. It is a strength not a weakness as many would have it.

  10. I have never heard of that Scientology leader guy (David something) so I looked him up to see what this accent was that Andrew mentioned. It's not the American accent that's the problem, he has some sort of speech impediment with his S's. I am sure someone knows the name for his issue, but I don't.

  11. On the final bit, I understand he's an independent journalist, however I feel it's important to understand if one is talking on it, that "psychopathy" is a sensationalized version of anti-social personality disorder. It's also, and this is important, they are not devoid of empathy. Being as such is impossible for a human. It's more that their empathy is either suppressed, or misdirected. This is why it's defined under personality disorders, is because it is not a neurological affliction, such as schizophrenia, but an environmentally constructed disorder, such as but not limited to trauma response.

  12. Great site Emma. Im already a fan of Andrew Golds. You are bright, articulate and well read….and this compliment is coming from a Catholic priest!
    Alas in the USA any narcissist or conman can set himself up as a pastor or even a priest. While it is admirable you are calling them to account don't expect to much fruitful dialogue on their part…they are either too far gone or making too much money to come to any reasonable compromise.

    Keep up with your religious and biblical studies. You have the natural makings of a scholar in this field. Above all, remember that there are many Christian out there, who are well versed in philosophy and science, and are just trying to live out Jesu's words: " So as I have loved you, you too must love one another."

  13. Hey Emma, love your content and your wonderful colourful tops (they're so adorbs). Not sure if this is the right way to do this just wanted to let you know your multi link… thing on your YouTube page was going to a dead page for me, just in case it's not my silly phone and an actually a problem.


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