Why We Must Give Thanks? by Sister Rachel | 1st Service

There will always be something to thank God for. Whether it is breathing and just being alive, it’s a reason to thank God.

Why we must thank God:

1. We when are grateful we recognize that God is always with us irrespective of the situation. It honors Him and it means we acknowledge Him is our source of peace.
2. It has been commanded of us to thank Him in the scriptures. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – thanksgiving has been commanded of us.
3. It’s dangerous not to give thanks. There are consequences. If we don’t thank God. It is a claim of being independent of Him. Not giving thanks means we believe we can exist apart from Him, which is impossible.
4. It dishonors God when we are not grateful and it leads to pride. It leads to a sense of entitlement. We assume that we are the ones who brought ourselves to where we are in life. He formed us as we were in our mothers’ wombs.
5. Being grateful shows God that we trust Him and that we will serve him faithfully no matter what. Like in the story of Job, God could’ve easily rebuked Satan but let Satan take everything from Job, knowing Job would continue to serve Him.

When we want to thank God we shouldn’t focus on the negative things.

We shouldn’t complain and compare ourselves to other people because it’ll make us jealous or even envious, a work of the flesh.

We can have a grateful heart towards God even though are facing difficult circumstances. In the end, thanking God can provoke God to change our circumstances.

When we murmur it is disrespectful because it means we don’t acknowledge God’s ability to help us.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious. Trust God. Thank God and he will give you peace.

Giving thanks keeps our heart in the right relationship with God.

James 1:16-17

The more we thank him the more we’ll see him working around us.

Thanking Him brings contentment.
If we don’t thank Him when we have little, even when we have more, we won’t thank him, so how can we expect our situation to change?

Thanksgiving is a testimony. It gives hope to someone else listening to you. They will believe that God can do it for them because He did it for you.

We shouldn’t question, complain or murmur. Our struggles won’t automatically disappear as we thank God. But the voice of God will silence all our worries as we thank Him.

We should keep fellowshipping, worshiping and thanking Him. The circumstances shouldn’t discourage us.

Website: https://www.rccgheavensgate.org/
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