Everything Netflix's Avatar Did Better and Worse Than the Original

This video is part 2 to a video where I went over the first four episodes of the live action Avatar remake and discussed the changes I liked and the changes I disliked, what was adapted well and what was adapted poorly. This video will cover episodes 5-8 but I highly recommend watching the first video before this one if you haven’t already.

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VHmJLGf0L4

00:00 – Intro
0:33 – Spirited Away
7:20 – Masks
13:25 – The North
16:59 – Legends
21:35 – Final Thoughts


23 thoughts on “Everything Netflix's Avatar Did Better and Worse Than the Original”

  1. I seem to like a lot of things that others seem to hate. Avatar, Cowboy Bebop … to name just a few. Both adaptations stayed true to the source material while trying to insert some fresh things. And as long as the "Cabot Guy" is in it … well, let's see what the future brings. My only complained is the costumes. I think they look like costumes … not like clothes someone would wear.

  2. So glad you put it into perspective by mentioning how much better it did than the Percy Jackson show. The people complaining that Azula didn’t look menacing enough in the LA wouldn’t survive the casting in PJ😂

  3. It's 7/10 for me my only complaint is Azula comes across more like a spoiled child then a legitimate threat, bumi is too cruel, suki is a creepy stalker, and sokka needs a bit more dad jokes & sass.

  4. I’m actually really happy they’ve avoided the whole sexism part of season 1! considering how Hollywood and media practically crucified people with #Metoo bullshit, I am very proud on them for reading the room and taking a more emotionally mature take on the subject, being more subtle and allowing the audience to fill in the gaps themselves. I thought it was far to on the nose in the original and woke feminism left a really bad taste in my mouth with Disney garbage. This retelling of the original trusted the audience to put the message together how people clutching blindly on the past, run the risk of not having a future. Anng realized this, Katara emphasized on it, and the water tribe embraced it at the end of the show. I love it, and encourage mature lessons like this in the future of the show.🌱♥️

  5. All the actors and actresses in the Live Adaptation Series are perfectly suited to their characters! I stopped comparing it to the anime and finally found enjoyment in the live-action. The anime is for the kid, while the live-action is for the kid who grew up. Perfectly blended as a live adaptation.

  6. Lt Jee's survival is hinted by Iroh at episode 8, so I think they'll show up later again. It would be weird if they didn't, given how much extra content the show has gifted them.

  7. When they revealed the whole thing with the 41st I was trying to see if it was in the main cartoon when I couldn’t find it and realized it was a new addition to the lore I loved every bit of it it made more sense and gives the crew a background instead of being random soldiers

  8. Hoku is not showing up as much as he could because they want to focus on Kioshi, because she is a strong woman and easier to make a prequel about… But the woman part is most of the reason. That's why they tried to make her more bad ass by showing up and fighting

  9. I personally dislike how Zhao told Zuko about Azula and his banishment. I think it’s a lot more powerful seeing Zuko, as well as us the audience, figuring this stuff out on our own over many episodes and multiple seasons instead of just an exposition dump. This show is supposed to be made for a more mature audience, but they treat the audience more like children then the cartoon by spelling everything out and not having any form of subtlety


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