
Welcome to Rise Up!

It’s time to get your boots on and get equipped! What is evangelism, and what does it look like to evangelize practically, supernaturally….and what if you’re an introvert? How do we know if we have the gift, or are in the office of a fivefold evangelist? Join this week’s conversation for some great testimonies and ways in which you can step out in faith and start to evangelize wherever you are!

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To keep up with Jessie and submit your questions:
Twitter: @czebotarjessie
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JessieCzebotar
Jessie’s books are available at https://amzn.to/3M9whBC

Jessie’s interviews and conversations can be found on the following channels:
@David Zublick Channel and @Dark Outpost Daily
@The reveal report with George Iceman
@Aquarius Rising Africa Ⅱ and @SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa with Chantelle Meyburgh and Morne Venter
@Right on Radio CH 2 with Jeff Shepherd
@Carmen Smith Studer
Business Game Changers with Sarah Westall https://odysee.com/@sarahwestall:0


30 thoughts on “Evangelism”

  1. The Lord has provided for myself and my children over the years as a widow/single mother and I have literally been down to only noodles and a food box would be left on my steps or someone would stop by and say God told me to give this month to you and i.t would be enough for me to pay my light bill. The one Christmas and Thanksgiving I won’t ever forget and neither will my girls( my son had moved out and had a wife and wasn’t living close to us then) but someone had secretly turned in my name for a food box and we had been left a ham, turkey. A box overflowing of food for Thanksgiving and beyond then that Christmas they showed back up with alot of nice gifts for my girls mainly clothes because they needed them and gift cards and also plenty of food for Christmas. They even left me a few gifts and i couldn’t help but cry: I have always taught my children to give especially when the Lord says to do it. They have watched me do this over the years even when it was my last 20.00 and that’s when you are tested: they would just watch me and then say but you have no more money and I said don’t worry about i.t because God will provided for us when we are obedient to what the Lord tells us. Now I have always did things where others didn’t know who left them things or I didn’t know them because I know how it feels to be down and struggling. It is during those times that I have had my heart filled with so much joy knowing that no matter what I may not have I can still have enough to share with others.

  2. Great topic and heartfelt, realistic examples.

    I’ve done evangelism in many countries, situations, planned, unplanned and everything in between. The craziest were when there’s language barriers and God still shows up (even in CCP China!)

    One thing that comes to mind with sharing your faith aka evangelism is – Don’t be over eager to get to the cross and repentance with someone. You’d find it off putting- and others do too.
    1) I’ve found ppl don’t care what you know UNTIL they know that you care!
    2) follow 80/20 rule. You should be talking 20% of the time and LISTENING 80% of the time to them. As you Listen, Hear clues and cues of what’s on their heart or their story and what God may want to share.
    3) Jessie demonstrated asking GREAT OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS. These require more than “yes, no, fine” as answers. (Beyond May I sit here, join you? Of course so they don’t think your kooky). Hey! I might say- “would you mind if I join you?- I promise I’m not a kook- (with a pleasant smile or expression making eye contact)
    4) MAKE EYE CONTACT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE W/out invading their spirit/soul/space. Just be sincere. You are talking to them because the Lord wants a physical person to be his representative of kindness, care, concern, humor, sincerity.
    5) Just be your quirky , awkward, funny, serious, but always genuine self!!

    *When in doubt- admit up front “Hey I know this is going to sound odd/ but – xyz appropriate as the situation and Lord leads. Admit “I’m a bit nervous as I rarely approach strangers, but I felt a tug at my heart/spirit to just let you know xyz “. It could as simple as “There’s a real God, and He wanted me to tell you he sees whatever it is you are going through!” (Smile and see how they react. )
    Practice makes perfect practice! Just smile at someone and offer a kind word, compliment or word of encouragement.

    True confession: I am a closet introvert. I’d be happy to get in/out and not engage with ppl. Pple tell me that’s not possible. I strike up conversation w:anyone anywhere. Well- that’s not my desire, it’s obedience when you offer a smile, kindness, sincere expression, compliment, etc. it’s in those moments- I’m the one that leaves grateful and blessed every time when I take the few minutes to do so.

    I pray my foibles help 1 person feel emboldened and courageous to be the feet bringing the good news to someone. ~ Deb 🥰🌴

  3. Tracy- I just wanted to say I really enjoy your interaction. You are surely chosen correctly for this! I see your sincere enthusiasm and gratitude. It’s character and faith building for me watching your exchange with Jessie. You both are so gracious to each other and us the viewer/learner. Thank you! May God bless you being your imagination for your efforts and time. Deb🥰🌴

  4. I heard someone speak these words this week: the Lord does not need us to do works for Him as much as He needs us to love Him and to RECEIVE His incredible love. Works will just naturally flow from that Love. His burden is light❤

  5. I want to share Jesus but my neighbors hate me because I am a Christian. I sometimes wonder if almost everyone has gone to the dark side. So I pray that Holy Spirit woo them to Jesus so they can get to The Father in Heaven.
    I guess that's not being strong and courageous! lol

  6. Jessie Czebotar you amaze me. The love you hold for our world and the people in it awes me. You are proof of the Glory of God and all of the Healing Power he holds. Most people who have experienced the horrors of your childhood stay broken beyond repair because they gave up on God, which is understandable. After all, how could there be a God if those horrors are allowed to be? It awes me that you show no signs of the traumas you endured as a child. Your healing from God is so complete it's amazing to me. You are a special person and I understand God created you just for these days. I understand you are the catalyst that will take down the Brotherhood and that's what you were born to do. I want you to know that God brought you into my life so I could finally develope a relationship with Him. I always knew I needed to have one but I could never establish one because I could not bring myself to be part of Organized Religion, no matter the denomination. I've always felt that all of the Religions out there only had a piece of God's story but none of them had the entire thing. You and the way you teach about the Lord is exactly what churches need to follow. I love the way you educate about the Evils that exist while you explain what God expects from us. Without you and your wonderful way of teaching the Word, I probably would have went to my grave without ever being able to talk to God at the level I am doing so now. I'm not sure where I'm going with this comment or even why I'm writing it at this time. I think it is important to me that you understand how thankful I am that God brought you into my life. Over the last two years, I have learned more about God from you than I have throughout my entire life. I'm thrilled that I can have a relationship with him right here in my home without all the hypocrisy you find in churches. You have been a huge Blessing in my life and you've led me to the path I've spent a lifetime looking for. I guess I'm writing to thank you for being exactly who you are. I'm grateful for the experiences you have lived through. Even though you were smack dab in the center of Satan's sickness, you came through it with a purity few people find in life. I'm grateful for every moment you experienced as a child because without all that, you would not be the fascinating person you are now. Thank you for all the goodness you hold and for your unending and unwaivering love for our Lord and His Son. It's a beautiful thing to witness. I've never witnessed such a strong Faith in anyone, including leaders of churches. May God Bless every step you take in your lifetime because you are a very special person. Please continue pulling people closer to God because you are what this world needs right at this time. I guess I'm here to thank you for guiding me to the Lord and to tell you that you deserve every Blessing God bestows on you. You are the most righteous person i have ever laid eyes on. So thank you and Blessings to you in everything you do. I'm so grateful to have you come into my life. You, in my eyes, are the most important person alive today. May you prosper in everything you do, you deserve it. Thank you.
    Colleen C.

  7. I wish that people understood that when we attempt to evangelize using "tough love" or standing on a street corner with a bullhorn, publicly shaming another for their sin and yelling that they are going to burn, WE DO THE WORK OF THE ACCUSER on his behalf.

    It is the KINDNESS of the Lord that leads us to repentance, and as Believers, transformed into the image of Christ, we become the bodily representation of the Savior as the Spirit dwells within us.

    If we, as living vessels, cannot win souls by letting the Lord manifest through us as His pure and perfect LOVE, how can we possibly win souls for the Lord?

  8. All Christians are called to share their faith with others as God leads and opportunities arise. We can do it at work or with friends. We can do it with intention by passing out tracks and getting together with a group and singing Christian songs on the street. We can give sandwiches to homeless and pray with them. We can speak the truth where lies are told. We must not be ashamed of the Gospel. Or Jesus will be ashamed of us. No true Christian can hold back the desire to share the change that occurred within them. It's impossible. You can't become a new creation in Christ, have your sins washed away, released from all condemnation and not be a changed person. It's impossible. Evangelism isn't something you have to coax a true Christian into doing. They won't be able to not evangelize. We just need to understand that evangelism is a result of first a desire to please God and enjoy his fellowship. We can do nothing apart from the vine. Connected to Jesus and having a sold out heart for him results in an overflow that we can't contain.

  9. I would love to take your class Jessie, I'm sure would add dimension to your show because of my age and what my life has been like as a teen Wife and Mother and how I was married till The Lord took my Donnie home…we were together for 45 years and I will miss him till the day I'm called home 😭
    God Bless everything you're doing to grow the kingdom

  10. I want to thank you for all you do!
    I believe God Revealed to me that if we annoint our ballots and Plea The Blood of Jesus over them then the devil can't touch them.
    Shalom from the Ohio Valley


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