Evac on Mars-Twardowsky base – Weekend mass gathering for event Scenario – 800 people

This video is a part of the research :
Methods for simulating crowd movements in low gravity environments for safe emergency egress design http://bit.ly/3POtcHe
by Szymon Matkowski
Nexus Aurora

Simulation based on design of Twardowsky Team. Link to base design: https://www.spaceismore.com/project/twardowsky/
Software: Thunderhead Engineering – Pathfinder

Planet: Mars
Habitat size: Colony for 1000 people. Colony is divided into 5 living zones. The simulation focuses on one zone – in the original design it is called: BIOME . Each Biome is populated with 200 tenants but the Event gathers much more.
Population: Balanced type.
Occupants’ count: 800 people

Scenario: Weekend mass gathering for event

Goal: Test Required Safe Egress Time
Subject: Test RSET for distanced location of refugee rooms while guests from other parts of habitat meet in the central area.

Parameters, incl. delay times: https://bit.ly/3B3yREY

Project website: https://nexusaurora.org/projects/evacuation-in-terms-of-reduced-gravity/
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