Ethan's Goth Girlfriend Saga

Here’s the entire saga of Ethan calling in. The Two calls are from Episode 51 and Episode 61


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48 thoughts on “Ethan's Goth Girlfriend Saga”

  1. Ethan gets rolling and just keeps on going. Every dialogue somehow takes a left turn. This whole thing is classic. It cannot be a schtick—this guy is like Popeye; he is who he is. And Olive Oyl is a Goth…

  2. ethan goes from she not moving in, to she movin in, this gonna end bad. ive lived with my ex we lasted for like 3 years but then ive dated my fair share (becasue im sterile) of either lesbians, diy emo chicks they are fun to bring to raves and to smoke and trip with but 75% of the time they got a wild god complex about how the government is trying to kill us all. this guy doesn't know he being finessed he will learn though LOL


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