Essential Tips & Supplies for Beginner Greenhouse Gardeners

My top suggestions for beginner greenhouse users! | A greenhouse is a wonderful investment and can really elevate your …


40 thoughts on “Essential Tips & Supplies for Beginner Greenhouse Gardeners”

  1. When this video started, I thought you would annoy me with useless off topic discussions (like: this is my cat or my neighbor has a boat). Not at all, your video was well presented and matched the title. It was crammed with good ideas as well as, useful, on point, relevant info. No time wasted here. I have no suggestions to make it better. Good job and thank you…

  2. Wonderful!
    Do the black plastic shelves holding more heat in the summer? We're in zone 5b/6a.
    Related to that is using black greenhouse plastic as flooring vs a crushed granite or rock floor like you have?
    Watching your video made it clear that we would need to place ours near a water source. 1 of 4 locations just got ruled out!

  3. I bought a house that has a 1000 sq ft greenhouse with two natural gas heaters with sock in the center, rig vents not automated, water water system with humidity and temp controls , 2 belt drive fans on one side, a direct drive fan on the other. <—-I have to install the new fan it here but it wasn't installed when I bought the house, and new louvers and actuator, has irrigation but needs some lines replaced that is not a problem though. I am at a loss on where to get resources to learn how use the thing.

  4. You brought up a lot of very helpful points. I’m in central Texas and we’re building a greenhouse now. I mainly want it for seed starting or having an intermediate home for seedlings before they go out in the garden. I plan to try some season extension and experimenting with growing tomatoes and also protecting potted citrus. We do get a few freezes a year typically but it’s mostly fairly mild in winter. Summers are intense sometimes so I don’t plan on using the greenhouse to grow anything then. One extra thing to consider is proximity to a water source so you can easily water whatever’s growing inside the greenhouse. I’ll have the option to add drip later but will at least have a hose available. I’m looking forward to learning how the setup works here.

  5. I just found your channel and I just watch This and is going to help me with my greenhouse, it's a metal one with the plastic cover. Such great tips!!
    I now know to keep all 3 roll windows open. I secured it and it can take 30mph wind plus. I'm going to hopefully get some lettuce out soon along with all my early spring veggies.
    Thanks for An Awesome Video!!.
    I'm in NJ and can't wait till we're done with 32* degree .nights😢 , then I can do the black water canter heat retention.

  6. We are excited to be participating in a community greenhouse on a nearby former tree farm. (That now has horses, goats, and a woodworking/craft school.) There is an orientation for all the participants this weekend, and we will have our own table to use. We still are not sure how we're going to use our space, this all happened pretty quickly. We're excited. Thank you for this video, even though I am not choosing the greenhouse, knowing all the elements to be concerned about is quite educational.

  7. Thanks for this comprehensive planning guide and all the lovely tips. I've had a pop up type greenhouse for 3 years now and the cover is deteriorating. I have been using greenhouse tape to baby it along until the end of March so I can move my strawberry plants back out. I am going to build a greenhouse that is a more permanent structure this spring and summer.

  8. Thank you so much for this video! I learned so much. We are moving from IL to SC and plan on having a permanent greenhouse structure in our yard. I will definitely come back to your page for more tips. 😊

  9. Eeew, is that a big wasp nest hanging in your greenhouse over your head?? Why would you allow that to stay in your greenhouse? Those things are so nasty the way they sting people for absolutely no reason. I was floating in my pool 1 day for the 1st time after getting my pool and I was floating , starting to relax , and had my eyes closed when I began to feel a stinging sensation on my ankle. I quickly realized what it was and flipped into the pool brushing my ankle and let me just say, that was the most painful sting I have ever experienced. My ankle was swollen hurting more then the 1st day 2 & 3 days later. I hate those things. They aren't like bees where if you don't bother them, they won't bother you because they know they won't die after stinging someone so they aren't shy when it comes to passing their stinger out.

  10. I have atunnel 20 x 10 greenhouse, I just started a couple of days ago.. I put mesh floor (instead of tarp) to let water out. However, I am wondering if I still need to put some gravel down? Thank you for your advice 😊

  11. Super video‼️ You’re very good at explaining things re; beginner’s greenhouse. I have a small greenhouse so I really thought this was especially meant for me, lol! 🤗 Thankyou so much! God bless 🙋‍♀️💖

  12. Excellent information! Thank you so very much for taking the time to share these comprehensive tips with knowing are wise and effectively using our greenhouse. I am helping to create a community garden in a very rural area and we are presently building an 8 x 10 x 7.5 greenhouse. The purpose of the greenhouse is to grow seeds, protect seedlings, and store all the tools that are needed. Additionally, to roll in the vertical towers during the cold season in Utah.

  13. You are spot On ❤
    As a 15 years owner of greenhouse in Canada and citrus hobbyist grower, you tips are right on the money.
    I can tell you are speaking from experience because all the things you mentioned I have faced or considered – minus the cats😊

    Great video. Great advice.

  14. Thanks a lot, I just found you and very happy I was trying to purchase a green house and have no idea what I was doing, I am going to figure it out from your info glad I didn't purchase one yet thank you ❤

  15. Number 1 Beginner's Tip, & all you really need to know. … "Understand what the role of a greenhouse is."
    A greenhouse sole purpose is to be a shelter to protect plants from cold weather.
    That's it. Outside of that purpose… you don't need a greenhouse.

    So now that the purpose of a greenhouse is understood… how you set up that greenhouse depends on what kind of plants you want to grow.
    I cannot comprehend, why every GardenTuber I see on YouTube, use their greenhouses as potting stations & storage sheds, for garden supplies & tools. There'll only be a few plants, & 80% of the greenhouse space is filled with stacks of empty pots, bags of soil, fertilizer, garden tools, garden carts, & a large work bench.
    These items don't need sunlight.

  16. Hi hun im in the uk. Mild wheather zone. I want to get a greenhouse so loved you youtube advice. But one question! How do i prevent damp and mould affecting the greenhouse and its plants? Regards Kim xx

  17. I live in Zone 5b. My back yard is brick and cement. What soil I do have (front yard) gets no sunlight and is covered in pine needles due to 2 large pine trees. The only space I have to garden is a VEVOR Walk-in Tunnel Greenhouse. I have no choice but to do all my gardening in the greenhouse. I have tried the past 2 years to have a garden in the greenhouse and I have failed. I would greatly appreciate any advice with what container/raised bed soil mix to use, if raised beds are better than containers, best fertilizers, starting seeds, best lights/grow lights to use, best temperature to maintain… Honestly any and all types of advice is needed. If there are others videos that would be beneficial I'd appreciate it as well. ThankYou!

  18. I live in Florida, so with the sun that’s bearing down on my plants. I need a greenhouse to keep them safe. So when I use a greenhouse, it’s for growing plants 24/7 out of the year. Unless the plant can withstand Florida’s sun, then I’ll put them outside but other than that they will not go outside outside of that greenhouse, of course.

    But because of that, I also have to deal with bugs that like they show up in your greenhouse and devour your plants without you even being aware of it. Compared to outside you have to always look at your plants to make sure the sun didn’t destroy it. Make sure bugs are not on it but in a greenhouse you would expect that your plants would not be attacked by bugs so often until you get little white bugs on your plants, eating it and drinking it dry, and then having ants show up and using them as cattle by farming, the sugar substance that they puke out

  19. I don't usually comment on videos, but I have to say you are an excellent teacher, and I did hit that subscribe button. This video is the most thorough video I've ever watched. Thank you. I look forward to watching more.

  20. I have atunnel 20 x 10 greenhouse, I just started a couple of days ago.. I put mesh floor (instead of tarp) to let water out. However, I am wondering if I still need to put some gravel down? Thank you for your advice


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