A Girl Lands on a Planet with Monsters, But it Turns Out to be Earth of the year 3500

Humans were forced to leave the Earth a long time ago due to temperature rise. Now they are seeking a new home. Kate lives on a spaceship. One day she sees the signal from one of the nearby planets. People decide to head there, but during the flight their ship gets damaged.

Kate survives and starts to explore the planet. She finds her friend and then they are attacked by a local tribe. But there are more dangerous creatures on this planet. Kate needs to face strong monsters in order to survive and learn that this planet is Earth of the year 3500.


3 thoughts on “A Girl Lands on a Planet with Monsters, But it Turns Out to be Earth of the year 3500”

  1. Wow, this looks like a shitty low budget movie with just as terrible actors. Everyone of those ahem, “actors” make this look like an office retreat. If you wait to the end, they’ll probably have trust fall exercises.


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