ESO Tea Party #2 – nUdEz for Discount, RP Community Deleted, Trade Guilds Collapse

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The Elder Scrolls is a series of action role-playing video games primarily developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The series focuses on free-form gameplay in a detailed open world. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim all won Game of the Year awards from multiple outlets.

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26 thoughts on “ESO Tea Party #2 – nUdEz for Discount, RP Community Deleted, Trade Guilds Collapse”

  1. "I don't like drama," I say, as I eagerly open the video. 😀

    I don't play PVP a lot, but there are still good endgame PVP guilds out there. I am in one that will kick/ban anyone who uses slurs and acts in bad faith. Even teabagging is not allowed, to avoid players from getting banned for griefing. Everyone is an adult there and acts like one, they are very hard-working and win us many campaigns. If anything, they are almost a bit boring with how organized they are. 😀 But I've seen many "interesting" things in the zone chat, so I am not surprised it happens in Discords too.

  2. Currently, according to the guild leader, our guild on PCNA is coming up short on our guild trader in Mournhold (spelling) by fifty million gold. This is happening every week now. We have been in Mournhold longer than any guild on PCNA and it is a source of pride for us. It will be sad when we eventually lose our trader spot but this game reality is hitting many trade guilds now. I have seen trade communities in other games go through this same issue. The economy of a game that is bleeding out players faster than they are replaced causing prices for the most simple item to become outrageously expensive. Demand for items stay high while supply starts to drop. It seems like yesterday when a simple carry cost five million gold…and it seemed crazy. I know there is a lot of coordination that goes into running a carry service…but I feel thirty five million for a single run in a bit of a price gouge. I know demand must be higher than ever and these carry services can set their own rates and I can respect that. I guess that until there is a large influx of steady long term players in the game…and more carry services created…there will be no competition to bring down the cost. Not knocking carry services…just an observation and my opinion.

    With trade guilds folding up and carry services shutting down it is further proof of the game’s slow death. Like you said in another video discussing how ESO is dying…but is not dead…yet.

  3. I'm am happy that i'm in a trading guild with some excellent guild leaders, not only do they know how to lead a guild in a really good way, they are also some really friendly people, who tries to help out their fellow guild members as much as they can.
    But when you are in such guilds like these, where some people come and go, you will see some side of the game you probably won't see, if you are not in any guild.
    There sometimes appear some players who is so toxic cuz they got kicked from the guild, that they throwing everything they got at the guild leaders, and think that they will get an Re-invited, cuz they think they brought up a "good" points in the middle of those swear words, and threats.
    There is some toxic people out there in the game, but we should also remember there are some people, who got hearts of gold, and we should focus more on them, than the toxic people, after we will gain nothing if we put our focus on them.
    i know it can be hard sometimes, know it for myself, but we should at least try.

    And thanks for the well explained video, and good information in this video, and next time, please share that cookie, you can't just leave us hungry here :3

  4. You want something funny here: ESO is made by a so greedy company that u have to pay with gold for the /stuck command!
    Yes you stuck in a bug and you have to pay with gold to unstuck you…. Awesome. It sum up perfectly all about the game. Bugs and paying for shit code lines.

  5. That dude is clearly an unhinged nutcase, but it wouldn't surprise me that zos would ban someone for saying the word "aids". They really hate their own player base and treat the community like we are 5 years old. In a rated M game. I keep hearing more and more about people getting banned for very strange reasons. Given the state of the game its really weird that they keep doing that. Clearly that guy should be gone, but its just the pattern thats concerning.

    And you guys that think one part of the game is more toxic than another part of the game are super cringe. Its like the people who say one faction in pvp is full of X type of player. Its just stupidity. I have met very toxic players that say toxic shit in every aspect of this game. From competitive to casual. From normal dungeon noobs to sweaty trials to sweaty pvpers. Its just the nature of being online. There are nice people and there are toxic people, in every aspect of the community, and if you cant see that then maybe you havent spent enough time in various parts of the community, or in other mmos/online games.

  6. Hey Nefas lmao I know digby he msged me asked me join his gs prog which I couldn’t I’m in a xs same time that runs…. But he said immediately can send ss even he is tanking xs as imperial to prove u wrong lmao very spec said word for word u said it’s impossible to tank it not as a nord so he is on a mission to price u wrong?? Lmao

  7. A 2 person arena where they offer different housing funishings or something that alternate every month as a reward drkp instead of just gear. Would help address part of the issue with rewards system while also adding g a while new element to the game.

  8. I'm not saying names but I knew an old RP guildie that was cool and normal at first when everyone hung out. One day they got to be a Admin of one of the big rp communities and just became a giant piece of garbage.
    It's crazy to see people get power and completely change. So these bigger community members I try to stray away from because eventually someone will eventually will turn into a Valkrye.

  9. I don't think Nightharrow necessarily included himself in "many people," but it is a safe assumption since they perpetuated the sentiment by commenting without disputing it.


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