Escape from Tarkov: When People Forget They Are Streaming

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37 thoughts on “Escape from Tarkov: When People Forget They Are Streaming”

  1. Battle eye 3 day delay bans so you can literally go download hacks off of GitHub and play for 3 days lol. buy a 5 dollar Russian account rinse repeat. So you could technically cheat for as cheap as 50 dollars a month in accounts, and that's not even taking into consideration you can make like, 100's of dollars a day RMT'ing stuff you've acquired with the hacks, within the 3 days that you've played. Believe it or not, most of the bigger cheats in this game ARE detected regularly. There are some that have like 25 users that goes undetected for long periods but by and large, the biggest providers get detected once every couple of weeks. It just ends up not mattering because people are not only cheating for free, they're actually MAKING money because of the multi-million dollar RMT market. It's also worth noting that because the game is so poorly monetized, It's the cheaters that fund the brunt of the development costs for further expansion of the game. From start to finish, the average legit player is just fundamentally at odds with the the perverse incentive structures surrounding this game.

  2. Me and a buddy experienced our first cheater on customs, he was flying around under the map and scaring pmcs apparently. He would randomly show up after we got into gunfights and just talk. He said he cheats for reactions not for loot or killing. Pretty interesting for our first time meeting one officially

  3. This guy is blatantly cheating because is doesn't care if he gets banned because he has a financial interest (I assume) in getting in/out quickly with as much gear as possible. While these people could hide their cheats, they don't need to. There are probably some cheaters who don't want to be detected, but those people would PALE in comparison to the blatent cheaters. So my point is, there aren't that many cheaters, at least in my raids, if there were, it would be obvious for the reasons stated above.

  4. how does anyone even enjoy this? i can't even tell whats going on with all that extra bs on screen. just play the damn game if you're going to spend money on it and die sniveling in a corner when your last PM runs empty like the rest of us.

  5. the wireframe are actually quite cool as they can show how the models in the game where created with the ammo being inside the gun even tho the player cant see it , everything else is shit

  6. I hacked on Tarkov like a year ago to see what it was like. Never done it before. Wanted to try it once. Haven’t done it since. When I went in you can see who ever is hacking in the map also. I’m actually very happy I did hack, because I got to see the amount of hackers in each map. I wasn’t banned for like a month so I got to see a lot of matches. I would say labs is a 2 out of 3 chance of hackers per match and dead ass the regular other maps were like a 1 out of 20 matches for even one hacker to be in it. It was a pretty rare occurrence to see another hacker in with me.

  7. Is this some kind of setup where people pay cheaters to Sherpa them through maps and let them collect a tonne of loot? In this case the cheaters dont care if they get banned, the account doesn't matter, as long as they can keep getting paid for sherparing a ban isn't a deterrent?

  8. Just to let you know it takes around 3-4 days rage hacking to get flagged, most players use these cheats to boost other players for $. If you use a vpn and toggle to a Russian region you can buy tarkov standard again for only $20 so cheaters actually benefit from cheating 😔

  9. got ,killed yesterday thorugh 4 walls . a closed door and 2 of my teammates…. how pathetic do you have to be to cheat in a game where everybgody dies anyway? 😀

    and this idiot dont even know where to go ;D half his screen is full with text 😀 so hes constantly walking against something ;D

  10. I really don't understand why anyone would want to use this level of cheats.. like I get making the game easier for yourself to a point because you are bad and aren't willing to learn the damn game like someone who isn't a lowlife loser, but this is practically just having the game play itself for you and you just control where you move.. also it's poetic justices that Killa was originally designed to be a anti-hacker AI.. or so I've read.


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