Spacebourne 2 – The Innovative Space Game That Challenges The Genre

Spacebourne 2 contains a massive list of open world space features, that players have been demanding for years. It’s an impressive game, but one which is also full of jank. However, the game is in early days yet – with more promised.

Spacebourne 2 on Steam –

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37 thoughts on “Spacebourne 2 – The Innovative Space Game That Challenges The Genre”

  1. More than anything it really brings a smile to my face because this is obviously a passion project. Something akin to My Summer Car. So for that alone I will buy it because I know no matter how janky, what's meant to be in the game will be on it!

  2. Working on my first Unreal project right now… It´s almost ridiculous how (comparibly) simple things have gotten. Good times for small teams and solos for their entry into the industry

  3. I almost got hooked during your atmospheric flight at the edge of the clouds but once it was clear there was no seamless transition to/from space, it immediately became a no for me. Nice project / good effort though if it is by a single indy developer.

  4. Having just lost almost 2 billion cr and over a week of time in elite thanks to a single mistake (suicide by granade launcher lol) I brought this game as a palete cleanser after the first minute of video

  5. I don't understand why always combat have to be the focus of these games. Makes no sense. You don't see tanks and vehicles with machine guns mounted travelling to warehouses to collect your amazon order or boats mounted with machine guns hanging around docks to attack cargo ships. So why would space be so hostile.

  6. The best thing to compare this to myself is X4. However the ground combat, companions, and faction building are what drove me to this over X4. Definitely jank, but I think about 90% of my playtime is in early access games the last few years so I don't mind it one bit. Really promising within the first 3-4 hours so far. May have to stream some of it.

  7. The problem with releasing Pre Alpha games is so much of the people who buy and play it dont understand what alpha means and somehow thing it should be a finished game already even in alpha because they spent money on it.. The game is rather awesome… I have 2 weekish at it and just love the game.. I understand its pre alpha.. Not the best graphics or graphics that arent yet optimised etc.. 100s and 100s of hours of playability still.. its just amazing that one or 2 people made this game.

  8. The game can be fun but it needs ALOT of work. Ive crashed 10 times in 15 hours, weapons dont work on the ships and the engines just turn off. Both of those are game breakers due to having to go to the main menu to restart. Also, you have your own faction but cant use them in day to day ops. Its sill having to take on carrier class ships with a fighter as i dont have the firepower to bring down the shield and these are regular day to day missions that make no sense. The game has its up and downs. My advice is wait for a few patches/months then come back

  9. Being a one-man project it is very impressive. Saying that it is very buggy, lousy "voice acting" using computerized voice assets (text-to-speak) and he could really use some help with spelling in english.

    I played the first Spacebourne quite a bit aswell and I really enjoy both. One worrying thing however is that alot of the bugs and unpolished stuff from the first one is seen again here and it was never fixed inthe first one.

    As much as I like it personally, atm I'd say hold off and wait to see what is done to improve it.


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