Escape from Tarkov: Cheater Edition # 16

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28 thoughts on “Escape from Tarkov: Cheater Edition # 16”

  1. got killed by a cheater on woods, can't say for sure but the way I died was sus, and his name was "imcheating with numbers and letters. Woods of all maps, let my broke ass die to a scav at least

  2. "Guy in first clip that L4ndm4rk is showing is just really good at the game, and has superior map knowledge. Clearly he is not cheating"
    -Every r-word'ed bootlicker and cheater (70% of the community and every Tarkov Reddit Mod)

  3. Everyone is going to be not so surprised when they find out Lvndmark started cheating because he gets dumpstered every single day. Also does the guy at 2:50 not realize you can stack different ammo in the mags? I do it all the time. Buckshot to give a warning and a slug to finish the job.

  4. Yo, i've checked that Bmoos kid on twitch, he dont know yet that ppl know hes cheating xD. Dude playing like bot, 0 game sense and acting suspicious. I dont even have to see him shoting or none, a just see this kid does not have Sway mechanic on his gun while hes walking.

  5. I've been searching up these cheaters name's for a short while now, I'm actually quite surprised and happy to say that most of these people are straight up banned because you can't find their name. for example the guy @4:25

  6. Why even hide it? A lot of cheaters now two taps the chest wanna look legit lol. I got two tap instantly in the chest with m62, unless I missed the memo. There is no laser mdr or sa58 last I checked.

  7. 3:40 Nothing better than a streamer peeking at his radar to see exactly where a cheater is only to bitch about cheaters. Really love this game. Chats farther to his left btw so don't give me that bs that he's suddenly looking at chat for some reason šŸ˜†

  8. Ya it is killing the game again. Mise well run just a pistol and a 10k vest . I still wish to understand why they want to cheat so much. The realism is why i play not stats or riches. Game is hard enough and only worse with cheaters.


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