MKULTRA Mind Control Radio Series Episodes 13-15: Claudia Mullen Testimony & Interview

Welcome to the Mind Control Radio Series, aired in 1997.

The Mind Control Radio Series is a series about the Canadian involvement in U.S. CIA and military mind control programs, and their links to ritual abuse. International Connection Host Wayne Morris interviewed survivors, therapists, researchers, and writers regarding unethical mind control experiments carried out by Canada and the United States on Toronto radio station CKLN-FM 88.1 Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

0:00 Introduction [Claudia Mullen]

1:29 Claudia Mullen’s Presentation at the “Believe the Children” Conference [abuse by mother, Neuropsychiatric Department at Tulane, CIA, Deep Creek Lodge, MKULTRA, “The Magister”, Monster Mom, Mardi Gras costumes, “The Martini Man”, two-way mirror, sexual blackmail, Presidential Committee on Radiation]

28:59 Interview w/Claudia Mullen Begins [ritual abuse, New Orleans, CIA, FOIA, Wally Cummings, Human Radiation committee, mind control experiments, MKULTRA, “US Mind Control Experiments on Children – They Want to Know” by John Rapaport, Chris DeNicola, Jan Klimkowski]

41:15 I wonder if you can describe briefly how you were introduced into these experimental programs? [adoptive mother, sex rings, pedophiles, Tulane University, Darlen Fenner, Covington Camp for Boys & Girls, Mardi Gras costumes, ceremonies, Dr. Robert Heath, CIA grant money, DID, MPD, “children living inside of me”, imaginary friends]

49:28 Do you have an idea of how many identities were created or you created within yourself? [Close to 100, 23 now] Can you describe them? [“they do something I’m not capable of doing”] [Valerie Wolf, memory recovery, abuse, therapy, CIA experiments, descriptions from memory, Camp Nichols, Dr. Wilson Greene, Tulane, Edgewood Arsenal, Fort Detrich, “Crystal Stone”, electric shocks, rape, amnesia, Dr. Robert Heath, personality integration, flashbacks, Vacaville, memory contamination, traumatic memory processing, alters/”shadows”, Radiation Hearings, “shadow” w/photographic memory, sexual abuse, Dr. Brown, Mr. Fenner, Martin Orne]

1:22:42 What kind of experiments were they doing? [affection from older men, Phyllis Greenacre, Cornell, “the Gittinger Man”, John Gittinger, “Goatee Man”, Uncle “Sid” Gottlieb, Phyllis Greenacre, hypnotism, “The Annies”, sexual entrapment, blackmail, Uncle Richard, spying, Deep Creek Lodge, “sexually please men” at 9 years old, CIA training ground, “Uncle Otto”, molestation, “Gottlieb Man”, “Man with a Pebble in His Shoe”, “Morgan Hall”/Captain White, “Morse Man”/Morse Allen, filming, “field work”, “Martini Man”, Martin Orne, Dr. Charles Geshecker, Geschickter Foundation]

1:44:15 Sexual Blackmail of Senator Frank Church [Church investigation of CIA, oversight, US Senator from Louisiana, Senator Long, amnesia barriers, shock treatments, “Dull Men”/John Dulles, “Camera Man”/Dr. Ewen Cameron, sleep deprivation, “sleep talk tape”, pain barrier, Dr. Charles Brown, Darlen Fenner, Robert Heath, Martin Orne, white supremacy groups, KKK, dissociation, Masonic Lodge, Satanic rituals, lynchings]

2:07:30 Location of Masonic Lodge? [Camp Nichols, sexual trauma, forced to choose who lives or dies, Sensitive Research Department of CIA aka “Dirty Tricks Department”, “Uncle Richard”/Richard Helms, Sidney Gottlieb, “The Agency”, Martin Orne, Dr. Steven Aldridge, Morse Allen, Dr. Ewen Cameron, electroshocks, “consultants”, Dr. Heath, Dr. Greene, Tulane, Mr. Fenner, “Cleghorn”]

2:22:42 Description of Different Individuals Complicit in Abuse of Claudia Mullen [Martin Orne, Dr. Brown at NIH, lie detection, hypnosis, shock treatment, Dr. Robert Heath, Tulane University, Mr. Fenner, “Crystal Stone”, Morse Allen, L. Wilson Greene, Edgewood Arsenal at Fort Dietrich, “Angel of Death”/Mengele, Camp Nichols, sexual abuse, Gottlieb, James Hamilton, “deviant sexual behavior”, sexual blackmail, Inspector Generals, “TRIMS”]

2:41:34 What was MKULTRA about? What other projects were there? [BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE/”Big A”, amnesia creation, MKULTRA 28 sub-project 18, subject #3 (Claudia Mullen), Dr. Heath, “delete”, MKNAOMI (drugs), “K problem”/paralysis, MKULTRA sub-project #3 (safe houses), Roosevelt Hotel, MKSEARCH (biological agents, radiation), Operation CHATTER (interrogation drugs), CIA file declassification, need for a Commission on mind control]

2:50:00 What’s your sense of how many children were involved? [thousands, 75 kids at Deep Creek Lodge at a time, contact with other survivors, need for Presidential acknowledgment of taxpayer funded mind control experiments on children, letters to President Clinton demanding an investigation, Claudia’s email address]

2:55:06 Outro


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