Ep24: Mexico City Circuit NEEDS To Change. Here's Why | F1 Talking Points Podcast

What were the BIGGEST Formula 1 Talking Points of the 2022 Mexico City Grand Prix?
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0:00 – Welcome To Our Podcast
0:48 – #1 Ricciardo’s Race
9:13 – #2 Cost Cap Results
18:57 – #3 Red Bull Racing Ignores Ted Kravitz & Sky Sports
30:17 – #4 Mexico City Track Layout
38:20 – #5 Alonso vs. Hamilton
42:47 – #6 Pirelli 2023 Tyre Test
49:56 – #7 Head-To-Heads


34 thoughts on “Ep24: Mexico City Circuit NEEDS To Change. Here's Why | F1 Talking Points Podcast”

  1. just gonna say it, ted kravitz is a c#nt. he is soo full of himself…. Btw, your defending of him is the main point of British bias. I know your own opinions. but a reporter should always report facts and no personal bias. it is journalism 101, but then again that standard is long gone in the UK with the sun etc…. sensation sensation and clicks.

  2. You can’t compare Dutch media to Sky. Dutch media is for the Dutch audience. Sky is the official media representative of F1, meaning the represent all teams, that’s why the have to be neutral. All other British media houses can be biased for all anyone cares because other places do it. But Sky ( Ted) yea his entitled to his opinions but when being a representative of all teams how did you keep taking digs at one person? If he cares about his opinions so much he should work with another media group that doesn’t have to represent some he dislikes. He’s just lucky Max is mentally strong because we’ve have had many drivers that suffer from depression and such monthly and weekly statements could lead to something worse.

  3. sky sports are clearly in the wrong here, they are shameless in their bias when they are the international broadcast, they have the exclusive rights on many countries so they need to show professionalism, if they were only the british feed, no one would give a flying fuck, sky is just fuelling toxicity, they did this this year during the dutch gp after which hannah schmitz got online abuse, they didn't even apologize about it, they can fuck off, we need a new international broadcast

  4. Good lord Daniel gets so much love for a rare performance that actually meets minimum expectations. Still took out another driver with a sim racer move. Doesn’t come close to undoing the damage he’s done to his own career.

  5. Kind of a small point in the grand scheme of the video, but I agree that these cars look awful going through slow-speed corners. I really started noticing it at Singapore when they do the slower left-right under the bridge. The conclusion I came to was that the much higher front wings make them look like they're driving using tank controls. But I'm a dumbass so that may be wrong.

  6. I used to loooove social media until IG became a thing. Suddenly my friends would spend LITERALLY 45mins trying to get 1 perfect photo, I couldn’t make funny posts unless I had a picture along with it which would ruin the humor, and I was never afraid of posting pics of me wasted fallen on my ass with my panties showing bc if it was funny, it’d get posted. And from the start I noticed IG is strictly just to show your best assets. Only show the perfection. Well fuck that, that wasn’t me. So I haven’t used social media since 2016/2017? Idk… but
    ALL this talk about F1 & Twitter’s is only getting more and more frequent, it really makes me feel like I’m missing out. I didn’t think anyone used twitter since it came out but seriously, I want memes. I’ve been having this stupid debate with myself if I want to make a twitter acct just for the memes.
    The drama is just an inevitable side effect/compromise that I can do without. What do I do?
    I’m 33 btw, a whole 2 months older than Danny Ric. So I’m a bit old for TikTok. YouTube is literally the only place I put out my thoughts

  7. My two cents on the Max v Ted is could this have been handled privately, a formal letter from Max or his brand or Red Bull to SkyF1 or Ted regarding these comments, like he points out how toxic things can be but spark flames of toxicity himself doing this so publicly, basically if it's toxic for him it's bad but if he send the rabid wing of his fan base against someone else, it's ok for him, "I respect Lewis but it's ok for my fans to boo him", and just because of his personal vendetta against Ted he drags all of SkyF1 into this even though Di Resta has been singing his praises any chance he gets, a boycott doesn't solve anything SkyF1 can just get clips from F1tv, open dialogue is how problems are solved, BUT if Max and his side did send a private letter to SkyF1 earlier on this matter and they ignored him then the boycott is fair game

  8. It's not the fact that Ted can't express his opinion. As a pundit for the official F1 broadcast you cannot say things like that. There has to be neutrality. The comparison between Sky Sports and Ziggo doesn't make sense. Ziggo is only the Netherlands. Sky Sports is worldwide as official broadcaster. Two totally different things.

  9. Also, Simon Lazenby saying "Verstappen only won both titles because of the cost cap breach" you are not a trusted reporter anymore and sky should lay off you if sky wants to position as an honest trusted channel

  10. Kravitz did say something wrong, namely: ..”..The guy (denigrate terminology) that robbed him from his….” While he was talking about “Verstappen”
    By the way Hamilton is refusing to call Max by his name while he is talking about the race. He is talking about ‘Checo’ multiple times and calling Max ‘the RedBull’ (in front). -as if it is not the ‘driver’ but the ‘car’ that beats him to the line. It shows the one thing that Hamilton tries to avoid -,recognizing that Max has the upper hand over him.

  11. I dont think anyone really read the article where Alonso says that. To paraphrase he said "Winning against someone in another car like Max did and Alonso did means more than winning against your own teammate like Hamilton did and Schumacher did." And then ofcourse the media and fans will take away that he said "Max's title are worth more than Hamiltons titles".

    I hate to say it, as britishers won't really see it from this perspective. But this is another non issue that has been completely blown out of proportion because of british bias. Alonso could've have mentioned any other driver, and no one would bat an eye. Infact he did mention another driver which was Michael Schumacher, painting him in the same light as Hamilton, both of whom he respects imo (Schumacher more than Hamilton but still). But everyone got butthurt only for Hamilton. Go figure.

  12. The only thing Max did in AbhuDhabi was preventing a Mercedes-win after 7 -SEVEN!!!! World titles all won by spending much, much more than any of their competitors could ever afford. They just bought the titles by the power of their money.

  13. On the cap issue imo
    In the nba and NFL you have cost cap and sick days, food, ect is not factor in the cap I thought f1 did it the same way personally I think it's dumb to make f1 team factor food and sick days as part of it the penalty is fair imo

  14. Lmao u guys are a bunch of frauds. No one cares about the Mexican Gp eccept Mexicans. The driving is terrible, the fans there are awfull, booing Hamilton, robbing people etc, and its way too crowded. Ur just afraid ur called racist for calling them out lmao

  15. I think Matt's issue with Karen's response can be summed up by saying money is fungible. If they go over budget by a million it doesn't matter what order they put the items on the balance sheet, they spent an extra million. That's it.

    I would argue any team that goes over budget should have a direct financial penalty of double their over spend and a budget cap reduction of the same for the following financial year. To yalls point, we can't end up in a situation where money rich teams can just buy penalties for advantage otherwise the cost cap is just a pointless virtue signal from the FIA.

  16. Lewis was robbed. Sky F1 have been very bias towards Max Verstappen. Other than Johnny Herbert, most of the reporters from Sky praised Masi for the decision he made in Abu Dhabi. Martin Brundle said Verstappen deserved the championship and his comments have been very pro Verstappen. All this toxicity in formula originated from Red Bull’s Christian Horna and the negative and hateful comments he made towards Lewis.

  17. I like the new video style, it fits your name very well and is also a little different from all the other F1 podcasts, I can’t always listen to every podcast but I like that this is now a weekend summary highlight. 😄😄 nice one

  18. I think with regards to the issue of British bias you nailed the key point – Sky is worldwide. I totally understand that national commentators will be biased to an extent (although even that should ideally be kept to minimum), but it's not ok in a global station. Fortunately the younger commentators/pundits at Sky (e.g. Sam Collins) seem better in this regard.

    By the way, regarding the cost cap, has anyone analyzed the catering costs/sick time costs in other teams? I think there would be quite a difference if it's that everybody used around the same amount for these – because then that would give RB an edge with regards to car development and should be penalized fairly harshly. But if it's just that RB went over the budget cap because of having substantially higher spending in these "non-car" aspects than other teams, I don't think that would be that huge of an issue, as there would be no real advantage gained.

  19. Pirelli really got it wrong with the tyre allocations for this race, if the compounds were all a step softer it would of really been a great race and seeing the drivers decide between a 1 or 2 stop would of been really interesting.


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