Elon Musk says WW3 is starting and he's flooding the sky. Israel, China, Taiwan and AI.

Israel, China, Taiwan and AI. To learn more about AI, please visit https://brilliant.org/digitalengine where you’ll also find loads of fun courses on maths, science and computer science.

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Wargaming a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
Center for Strategic and International Studies.

What America is getting wrong about China and Taiwan
Oriana Skylar Mastro, a fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University

US vs China forces comparison

US air force general predicts China conflict 2025

Yuval Noah Harari on the Israel conflict.

Ilya Sutskever, Chief Scientist, OpenAI, on AI risk

Elon Musk on why he denied the request to use Starlink


24 thoughts on “Elon Musk says WW3 is starting and he's flooding the sky. Israel, China, Taiwan and AI.”

  1. Thanks to Harari for his wise, compassionate words (at the end), despite his personal pain as an Israeli. And the Palestinian girl is incredible. Perhaps we need a greater diplomatic effort to match the military buildup.

  2. This perfectly illustrates how the U.S and the West in general have been sat on their hands militarily since the end of the Cold War. In the meantime, the Chinese have bided their time and ploughed their enormous industrial and financial resources into their military to the point where they can seriously challenge the U.S and have leapt ahead in areas of missile technology.

    This also shows how utterly reckless and staggeringly foolish China's policies are. They would risk the economy of the planet to gain a tiny island off their coast.

    We let the likes of North Korea and China develop this way by ignoring and kicking cans down the road and now the bill is about due.

  3. Your missing something important.
    America has the B2 Bomber that will be in the air and heading towards China and Russia at the first sign of trouble to deliver its pay load – repeated over and over.
    By definition Russia and China are dictatorships.
    I met a Chinese National recently who told me she has had her citizenship revoked and placed on a terrorist watch list, all for applying for another Nations passport.
    Maybe the Chines are buying time until they are not energy dependent through the means mentioned in this video.
    Calculate the risk that the U.K. Europe Japan and US only use Nuclear ☢️ force as a last resort.
    China 🇨🇳 need to remember that they have benefited greatly from global trade and the Capitalist model.
    This includes Taiwan’s chip sector and British and American 🇺🇸 oil and Gas.

  4. 4:35 Imagine that! Humans are smart enough to create electronic circuits with 300,000,000 transistors per square millimeter… about the area of the head of a pin, yet we can't overcome the primal greed, insecurity and aggression that compels us to kill each other because some people never have enough.

  5. Why should China destroy the world economy from which China itself depends? This is nonsense, I think that these are just strength demonstrations that China needs to position itself as a military force

  6. 1930s all over again sleep walking indeed while the world bitchs and complains about China they are building up a huge military talk about dumb western leaders they are weak and China knows it 🙄

  7. Don't forget a bigger military means a much logistics supply chain and when in war supply chains are big targets does anyone really think the us and its western alliance won't target China's factory's power supply water supply and cut their shipping lanes but the loss of life will be massive remember if you keep supply chains going you win the war just look at past wars

  8. What makes a country barely out of the 3rd world thanks to the west think that they can fight against a fully equipped modern army with cutting edge technologies? They might have the numbers but they are in china. Try and leave watch what happens. Bye bye china.

  9. Total BS! Reason will prevail because no one wants this kind of war. We all have too much to lose. This kind of posturing as well as stirring the pot with fear serves no purpose. I believe both sides will find a positive solution because we have too.

  10. China is also in the middle of a population crisis. Decades of the one-child policy have caused there to be a deficit of young people. Now that the policy has been lifted, people still aren't having many kids. There, young people are expected to financially support their elders instead of them relying on social programs or retirement plans. So it's already under strain. A war in which hundreds of thousands+ of young Chinese men do not come back from would be an absolute catastrophe for China. That may not wind up stopping the CCP, but they'd be foolish to not take it into consideration when coming up with a plan.

  11. Everything they have they have stolen patents and top secret designs for. Why is America not doing anything about being robbed by Chinese spies? I mean it’s not like they stand out from westerners how hard is it to spot Chinese spies in America? Fkn dum dum administration

  12. The more I see shit like this the more I'm convinced we're living in the Matrix. There is no way China would benefit from invading Taiwan. They rely on the West for income, making your customer an enemy is a sign of utter madness. It's all very well stating the strengths of each country but while China may have a fast ship building industry, that can be taken out very easily and then they won't be able to replace them. China might have hypersonic weapons but we have laser weapons and frankly no one wins with nuclear.

  13. Much of this and more of what the world has gone through and had, and what is yet to come were foretold and forewarned numerous times again and again over the last century.The way I have looked at it for the last 20 years is that much like the build ups to imperialism, civilization expansions, colonialism, and conquest…we as a species have gotten to a point where everywheres basically well mapped, explored, settled, owened, and defended. And resources, believe it or not, are dwindling slowly but ever mroe surely as time goes on. But despite how seemingly influential and arguably powerful most of the 1st world countries have become over the last few decades, its all boiled down to a handful that more or less dictate world policy, and less than a handful that really run things across the Globe (USA, China & Russia). And everyone is looking to see whats left to "claim". Every big country wants to expand further and take over more and more and this is also inevitable given our current ime period of of literal "WORLD STAGE" war being possible with not only the ever present media coverage possible for just about everyone, but the sheer capabilities of militaries reaching to just about every corner of the globe one way or another. The end game that countries have been worried about for over a century, but really only became an actual concern in the last handful of decades, is asking whom will remain. What it will take and what is willing ot be done to survive. War is sadly inevitable with so many countries vying for control. And expanding outward was just gonna happen. THe question is really when, not if, somebody will strike first. The question is where and when, and what and how we shall be willing torespond. Not looking forward to things the rest of this decade and beyond. All was foretold and forewarned. I just really hope its all been wrong about the future, but…T>T Be good to those you love and that love you back. BE well yall.

  14. Ooooh! I'm scared!

    The truth is China has built entire cities that no one lives in, and the skyscrapers fall down because they cheaped out on building the proper foundations. They are the great imitators, not the great creators. Their military equipment is the same. The United States has the absolute best equipment by all accounts.

    3 million men? So what. They could have 6 million. Once again, every powerful nation that has trained with the US military essentially says, "We knew they were good, but not THAT good. NO ONE is going to beat them. Not even close."

    China may as well decide to go to war with The Death Star as to go to war with the US. That's how big the gap is between these two country's militaries.

    The only time the US has lost a war is when it was fought with political handcuffs on. And even then, the US does not lose battles, it only loses congressional support. A fully supported defense of Taiwan would be an easy win just as defending Kuwait was.

  15. I lived in Taiwan in 2019-2021. Had to do air raid drills every few months. always saw news of Chinese planes and boats coming into the boarder. One jet was even shot down. If you go to the beaches, you can see the navy patrolling at all times in war vessels. That said, Taiwan has one of the largest armies based on size. they also have their own version of the iron dome defense system. Beach invasions are difficult. If it was really easy, China would have invaded by now.
    Personally, I think it would be a horrible decision on China's part. The West makes WAY too much money because of taiwan…and i can see the appeal. but unless china breaks a deal with the US for cheaper chipsets and all that I don't think Chinas willing to start a world war for an island.

  16. One major factor you did not touch on is that China has a decadent middle class concentrated to the East and south east coasts together with a hostile interior. Should it choose war China would suffer extreme internal pressure from multiple areas; when the oil stops flowing, US pulls all business, Europe bans all food exports and people start to riot China will know it is nothing more than a paper tiger.


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